14 NOVEMBER 1846, page 12

Trade In Belgium And Holland.

GOODS exported into Belgium must now be accompanied by cer- tificates of ori,,e-in ; otherwise they are charged an extra duty. The object of this exaction is to allow the......

Naval Retirement : The Brevet.

WHEN the plan of a Retired list of Captains of the Navy was brought forward by the Government, we submitted some obser- vations on the proposed measure,* and on the system of......

Necessity Of A Public Record Office.

TOWARDS the close of the last session, the Home Secretary and the Chancellor of the Exchequer promised, that during the re- cess they would seriously consider the question of......

Topics Of The Day.

PALMERSTON HOSTILITIES WITH FRANCE. Onn account of the impaired friendliness of the relations between Britain and France has been confirmed from a quarter open to- the best......