14 NOVEMBER 1863, Page 1


THE Emperor's speech, as the 21 1 oniteur anticipated, is re- echoing throughout Europe, but there spouses are scarcely such as Napoleon would desire. Russia has not replied, Prussia consults Vienna, Vienna waits for England, and England has, it is said, and we believe truly, simply asked for more exact definitions. As to the popular opinion, the speech caused a fall in the funds, averaging 2 per cent., everywhere except in England, where the Stock Exchange, misled by thirty year of unbroken experience, always sees peace in delay. Only from Italy has there arrived rapid or cordial acceptance, and the Imperial dream of a world-wide Congress to settle all questions and redistribute Europe, like the Congress of Vienna, but in the interest of the peoples as well as the Kings, is already at an end. The only subject of speculation now is the minor use to which a partial gathering may, notwithstanding, be turned.