14 NOVEMBER 1863, page 2

The War Appears To Be Costing The American Government About

150,000,000/. a year ; at least, the official statement of the indebt- edness of the Union on 1st May, 1863, was 964,000,000 dollars, and is for 1st September 1,228,000;000......

The Artist Correspondent Of The Illustrated London News,...

to have been in the harbour of Kagoeima during the bom- bardment, supplies some additional information. According to him—though the sketch looks very much as if it had been......

There Is But One Important Item In The American War

news. General Sherman has effected his junction with the army of the Ten- nessee, and so enabled General Hooker to push across the river to the left bank, and drive the......

The Court-martial On Colonel Crawley Commences On The...

at Aldershot.......

The King Of Prussia Opened His Parliament On November 9th

in a speech of excessive length, which has been differently under- stood. Our interpretation will be found in another column, but we are bound to observe that the language of......

Mr. Walter Made A Good Speech On Friday Last At

the annual meeting of the Berkshire auxiliary to the Propagation Society. He showed that the society had two objects—the extension of the Church in the Colonies and of......

On The 18th Of October The German Radicals In The

United States held a " Convention " at Cleveland, under the presidency of Dr. Greiner, of Newark. Thirty-one cities- and societies, among others, Washington, New York, St.......

The King Of The Greeks Issued His First Proclamation To

his people on October the 30th. " He brought," he said, " to Greeee, neither experience nor wisdom, but he came 'With confidence and sincere devotion, and promised to devote his......

Mr. Lincoln Has Been Tested As Few Governors Have Ever

been tested, and though he may not always have risen fully to the level of a great emergency, he has seldom failed to display a noble im- partiality, a great firmness of......

The Late Mr. Gilbert, The Well-known Writer On The Prin-

ciples and practice of banking, seems to have resented the esteem with which the public regarded his services. He has actually bequeathed a sum of money to trustees to be......

The Independent Liberals Are Bitterly Irritated With This...

inexcusable barbarism—so irritated that the occurrence may yet displace the Ministry. Mr. Cobden has addressed to the Mayor of Rochdale a letter which, though marked by a......

General Rosecranz Has Shown, Like Most Of The Displaced...

leaders, but more than all of them, great magnanimity in his temporary disgrace. His speeches at Cincinnati on the 27th October betray no spark of spite against his Government,......

The Republicans Have Gained The New York State Elections By

a majority estimated at from 15,000 to 20,000 votes, and even in the city the Democrats are said to have lost 10,000 votes as com- pared with last year. That disreputable party......