A correspondent of the Times, accredited as one " whose
interest it is " to know the truth, states that the actual number of the regular German Army is 1,324,940 men, out of whom 401,659 are always on active service, and 304,000 more can be mobilised in eight days. The remainder can be mobilised in a few days more. The new law on the Landstnrm will add to the disposable force about 800,000 men. The number of recruits who annually present themselves as recruits is 364,000, but heavy reductions are made on various grounds, and the actual enrolments are slightly under 150,000. This Army costs about £16,000,000 a year, and the Navy about £2,000,000, but this year the total sum demanded for the fighting services, fortifications, &c., will exceed £25,000,000 sterling.