There Is Some Difficulty Or Other Preparing In The East,
which exercises many Foreign Offices, but apparently excites no interest in England. The point appears to be this :—The Government of Roumania wants to make treaties, that is,......
The Episcopal Church In The United States Seems Prepared To
make short work with the Ritnaliets. It has adopted by enor- mous majorities in both Houses—both clerical and lay,—a new canon against Ritualism, practically prohibiting the use......
The Prosperity Of The United States Appears To Be Threatened
by a very serious danger. The New York Times brings , statistics to prove that the demand for railway sleepers, fences, and fire- wood is so great that the forests are coming......
General Sherman Has Officially Remonstrated, And Not...
the chima3rical economy which attempts to make an army of 25,000 men supply the needs of such a territory as that of the United States. He compliments General Sheridan, his......
The Tone Of The " Organ" Of The New Roman
Catholic Uni- versity, as our contemporary the Weekly Register and Catholic Standard is careful ostentatiously to declare itself, does not pro- mise quite as well for the......
Professor Tyndall Sent To Monday's Times A Striking...
prove that typhoid fever is simply infectious,—the infection being propagated by some organism carried into, and multiplied in, the intestinal canal of the patient,—and that......
A Correspondent Of The Times, Accredited As One " Whose
interest it is " to know the truth, states that the actual number of the regular German Army is 1,324,940 men, out of whom 401,659 are always on active service, and 304,000 more......
Mr. A. Peel, The Late Liberal Whip, Made An Amusing
speech to his constituents at Warwick on Tuesday, on the inconsistency between the Tory charges against the late Government and the Tory mode of rectifying their predecessors'......