The Episcopal Church in the United States seems prepared to
make short work with the Ritnaliets. It has adopted by enor- mous majorities in both Houses—both clerical and lay,—a new canon against Ritualism, practically prohibiting the use of incense, the use of .a crucifix in any part of a building for public worship, and any elevation of the elements. The majorities were, amongst the Clergy,-36 for the new canon, 2 against it, and one vote divided, being partly favourable and partly unfavour- able. In the Lay House the vote was 34 in favour, 3 against, and one vote clivided. Such is the result, as it seems to us, of bringing lay influence to bear on the clergy, instead of leaving the latter, as our imperfect organisation does, an entirely distinct caste. Ritualism is a delicate plant, which grows freely only in bog-earth, not on the firm soil of lay sense and practical knowledge.