The depleted purse of America has caused a pitiable state of affairs in an unsuspected class : the Parisian painters of masterpieces, those geniuses who are responsible for so many of the Raphaels, the Poussins, and the nameless primitives that are the pride of so many American homes.
A painter of El Grecos " was the description a man gave of himself at a Labour Exchange the other day. He was, it appeared, one of a syndicate in Montrouge which dealt with a Chicago firm that had just gone bankrupt. What was he to do ? It was impossible to secure new contracts these days. And, anyhow, the fashion now was all for the lighter Romneys.
His own particular function was to do those voluminous clouds in which El Greco so delighted. But now These financiers, he hinted forlornly, would be the death