If Mr. Lansbury Failed To Impress The House, So Also
did the Prime Minister. There was indeed only one Parliamentary success on the opening day, namely, the speech of Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd in moving the Address. He broke right away......
In The First Place, This Government Was Chosen To Act,
but to act upon knowledge and not upon inspiration. The Prime Minister defined its problems as the problems of currency, credit, the balance of the Budget and the balance of......
The New Alignments Of Parties In The House Were Most
interesting. Mr. Maxton has firmly established himself and his dissentient group as a separate unit on a separate bench. The Speaker called on him immediately after the......
Parliamentary Notes
N OTHING like the present House of Commons has been seen since the Coalition Parliament of 1918. Those who looked down upon it during the opening day of the debate on the......
Problems Of The Christian Conscience
[We publish here the sixth article of a new Theological Series which we hope will throw light on some of the most disputed questions of conduct. Mr. Woolley is a Chaplain at......
The Prime Minister Only Said In Other Language What Was
so loudly applauded when uttered by Mr. Lloyd and. Mr. Flint, and the coolness of his reception by the House therefore requires requires some ex-planation. Undoubtedly a large......