Country Life
A little while before he became Chancellor of the Exchequer Mr. Neville Chamberlain put his hand to paper and wrote a preface to a book on Rural Housing. The volume is illustrated on every other of its one hundred and sixty pages, and is not only an album of English cottage architecture, but plays the part of a catalogue to an original and fascinating exhibition, or congress, that is to be held at the Agricultural Hall from November 16th to November 21st. The secretary of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England is co-operating with the secretary of the County Councils Association ; and the congress marks a real advance in the social recon- struction of our country. Any countryman of influence who cannot attend would be wise to send for Rural Housing, ls. 3d., post free, at 84 Eceleston Square, Westminster, S.W. 1. He will receive some four hundred photographs of characteristic cottages with exact details of price for each, and much particular information.