[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—In " Business Adrift " the author says " even the mechanism of thought is not understood." The reading of letters on Free Trade and Protection will soon bring this home to anyone. Is it not time people stopped writing about raw materials as opposed to manufactured articles, and abandoned the fallacious theories built up from these expressions ? All human effort travels in a circle ; men consume that they may produce and contrariwise. Any product of human endeavour is both a raw material to one man and a manufactured article to another ; it is just point of view, or if you like frame of space." As you cannot put tariffs on points of view, you cannot differentiate by tariffs between raw materials and manufac- tured goods. If there is a case for this country to specialize in any kind of work, that case ought to be stated in different terms. Let England wake up and think.—I am, Sir, &c.,
G. C. N.