14 NOVEMBER 1931, Page 32

Financial Notes


general tone of the Stock Markets remains fairly satis- factory, and there are not wanting signs of increased dealings in Some departments. Indeed, it is in that connexion, pre- sumably, that it has now been decided to remove the restrictions as regards cash dealings, so that, as from this coming Monday, it will be possible to deal for the fortnightly account, though for the time being contangoing and option dealings will still be prohibited. When all allowance is made for the depreciation in the pound, British Funds and other gilt-edged securities must be considered as holding their own very well, especially when the period of the year is remembered and the heavy taxation due next January is borne in mind. Moreover, a better tendency is noticeable in some of the trustee stocks which, until recently, had suffered so severely. Australian Loans have recovered substantially, some of the Indian Loans have improved, while prior charge stocks of English Railways and of some of the leading industrials have come into favour. Certain of the Inter- national Industrials have also shown greater activity owing to the more cheerful feeling in Wall Street. A. W. K.