A little paragraph in the Cambridge undergraduate weekly Varsity seems
to me a pity. It runs: A little paragraph in the Cambridge undergraduate weekly Varsity seems to me a pity. It runs: Hard Up? Mr. Herbert Morrison asked for and was paid £2 as travelling expenses when he came to speak at the Union this term. Travelling expenses are not normally offered, but are paid when asked for. Vhether a touch of malice was intended here or not, it cer- ainly looks as if it were. But I am more interested in the winciple than in the paragraph. What was wrong is that Mr. llorrison should have had to ask. He went to Cambridge not br his own pleasure but for the Union's, at the Union's invi- tation. Why, after giving up a good deal of his time, should he ie expected. to be out of pocket into the bargain ? I have always held that if speakers are involved in expense they ;hould be offered reimbursement. If they are wealthy they an always refuse, and they won't, or shouldn't, be insulted by he offer. I hope Mr. Morrison's experience may induce some change, in Cambridge practice at any rate. * * * *