Sir,—what Particularly Interested Me In Mr. Stockwood's...
palliation of Mr. Bevan's use of the term "vermin." An offensive or incorrect remark, to be followed up, if circumstances seem to require it, by an apology or a plea that the......
Sir,—i Too Read The Stockwood Article—my Reaction Was Not So
serious as Mr. F. H. Butler's. My mental comment, "Another lick-spittle parson—what a pity spittle does not poison spittle-lickers !" I then looked at the cover of the paper and......
The Sermon I Want Sir,—i Congratulate You On Securing Such
an excellent contribution to the Spectator as the one which appears in the last issue of the Spectator by C. L. Jacques. In my opinion he has hit the nail on the head as to what......
The "english Parliament"
SIR,—Your reviewer, Mr. kin Hamilton, states that "Scottish members of Parliament sit in a House which is legally the English House con- tinuing." (My italics.) Will he be so......
Land In Kenya
SIR,—Your correspondent Mr. Stephen Martin has been misled as to the facts of the division of land in Kenya, which he rightly says should be published in the interests of truth......
The Essay Today
Sta,—On reading Spectator Harvest, I agree with your reviewer; it demonstrates that the essay is not dead. But one thing strikes me Very forcibly. That the restriction of each......
"the Future Of Bevanism"
SIR,—Owing to absence abroad I have only today seen your issue of October 31st. In this, under the heading "The Future of Bevanism," you say that it is difficult to see how a......
A Countess D.d.
Sta,—I fully sympathise with Janus's concern that neither notice of my degrees nor of my ordination have appeared in Who's Who. The negligence shown by the Editors of that......
"attlee And Bevan"
SIR, — One can appreciate the Rev. Mervyn Stockwood's desire to be tolerant by a "purely personal approach" to his subject, but a woolly tolerance that confuses the purely......
Sta,—Although I signed the letter you kindly printed "Iconoclast," am not an iconoclast where language is concerned, and I beg to protest at being made responsible for the use......