14 NOVEMBER 1958, Page 6

THE ANNIVERSARY edition of the Christian Science Monitor is a

formidable one-hundred page affair. Americans have become accustomed to such spreads, but 1 confess they still fill me with gloorn lightened this time by the friendly account of England today from the Chief of the London News Bureau; Henry S. Hayward. Still, his recital of our virtues left me a little breathless. Have we 'a flair for diagnosing the international climate'? Had we in 1938? Or in 1956? Is our 'knack for trade' inherited from the first Elizabethans. who 'never hesitated to poke the prows of their cockle' shells into any harbor or coast where they sensed business'? Substitute pillage for business and It might be nearer to the truth. As for our 'kind- ness, decency, orderliness, respect for law.

sistence upon fair play,' I would have been more inclined to the appreciative nod of the head as the descriptions rolled by had it not been for recent events in Blackpool and Notting Hill. But then, the Christian Science Monitor always did look on the bright side; which perhaps is \\ by it is here in so flourishing a condition to receive out congratulations on its fiftieth birthday.