Mummy Doesn't Love Me The Psychology Of Gambling. By Edmund
Bergler. MD. (Bernard Hanison. 25s.) Da. BERGLER proposes to substantiate the para- doxical thesis that the habitual gambler is a 'neurotic sucker gambler' who only wants to......
Mayhew For Fun
T he Bia City: or The New Mayhew. By Alex Atkinson and Ronald Searle. (Perpetua, 21s.) HENRY MAYFIEW, a founder and editor of Punch. Was a superb reporter and an innovator. He......
Elective Affinities
The Neon Halo. By Jean-Louis Curtis. (Seeker and Warburg, 15s.) THE nature of George Lamming's impressive third novel is better explained by describing the various elements he......
Lucky Flook
Flook. By Trog. (Faber, 6s. 6d.) FLOOK, for the benefit of Express readers, is a small, round, presumably brown, presumably furry (he's certainly covered in something) animal,......