The market for Home Securities in the early part of
the week was decidedly firmer, and an improvement took place in prices. On Saturday last Consols left off at 88 k, for money, and 89 to 89f for account. On Thursday the quotations were 88k, 89 for delivery, and 89f, f for time ; but yesterday, owing to the un- favourable Bank return, the market opened heavily at reduced quotations. At the close, however, prices were firm, the latest official quotations being 881, 89, and 891, f for money and time respectively. The stock of bullion in the Bank el England is now 12,736,346/., whilst the reserve of notes and coin has fallen to 5,074,1511. At Paris the supply held by the Bank is 17,510,2201., showing a decrease of 1,327,0001. from the preceding return. The official minimum rate of discount here is now 7; at Paris 5; at Frankfort, 5k ; at Berlin, 7 per cent., all of which figures slow an advance from the rates current yesterday week.