14 OCTOBER 1865, page 2

The Emperor Maximilian Has Issued A Decree Stating The Terms

by which immigrants will be encouraged to settle within the empire. Every immigrant will be entitled to a free grant of land with an immutable title, will enjoy religious......

A Disgraceful Catastrophe Is Reported From Calcutta. On...

August the Eagle Speed quitted Port Canning for Deme- rara, with 300 men, 93 women, 63 children, and 39 infants on board. She had passed the Roy Mutlah Sands, when the cable......

Sir Samuel Bignold, Formerly Tory Member For Norwich, On...

made a singular statement to the Eldon Club of that city. In 1852 he went up to London on behalf of his constituents to inquire of Mr. Disraeli whether, if the Tories continued......

There Has Been A Lull This Week In The Proceedings

against the Fenians, but arrests have continued, and so has the panic among the landlords. It is said that the whole British army would not suffice to meet the demands for......

Allen's Indian Mail Seems To Think It A Certainty That

a son of Calcraft's has been admitted into the Indian Civil Service, and is very much inclined to turn him out again. A man with such a descent must of necessity, it thinks,......

A County Lyceum For Surrey Was Opened On Thursday, At

Crauley, a place between Guildford and Horsham. It is in- - tended, like the one at Framlingham, to afford to lads of the middle class the advantages of a public school. The......

The Congress Also Talked About " Preaching " In The

usual vague way. The Dean of Canterbury thought the text might sometimes come in the middle instead of at the beginning, to make the sermon a little less formal ; the Rev.......

The Church Congress At One Of Its Latest Sitting Discussed

the question of the Protestant Establishment in Ireland, or rather we should say, expounded at great length one side of that question, repu listing all the obvious and most just......

Napoleon And Count Von Bismark Met At Biarritz This Week.

According to one account the interview was not very satisfactory, and the Prussian Minister was rather neglected during his stay, but the semi-official Provinzial Correspondenz......

Several Journals Have Noticed The Neglect Shown By The Court

to Prince Victor Amadeus, the son of the King of Italy, with dis- approval. The Prince only this week was admitted into Windsor Castle, which is under repair, and shown the......