The Practitioner, for October, a Monthly Journal of Therapeutics. Edited
by Francis E. Anstie, M.D. (Macmillan.)—Much the most interesting paper to the general public in the now number of the Practitioner is the very striking account of the effect of the inhalation of Nitrite of Amyl on cases of spasmodic disease, especially angina pectoris and spasmodic asthma. The account of the treatment of those diseases,—usually sup- posed to be almost beyond the help of medicine, —is well worthy of the attention of all medical mon, and also of any sufferers from these most painful and dangerous attacks. In the case of angina pectoris, it seems likely that the earlier discovery of this remedy might have saved many most useful and some very eminent and distinguished mon, several of whom have, as is well known, died from this most painful malady within the memory of the present generation.