14 OCTOBER 1871, page 2

Tire Over-issue Of Paper Currency In France Has Been So

great that now, when confidence is returning, gold is at a premium of something not much under 2 per cent.,—tnore exactly, between 17 and 18 per thousand. While the discredit......

This Day Week, Simultaneously With The Publication Of The...

of our weekly contemporaries and ourselves over the apparently widened breach between the masters and the men at Newcastle, carne the news that the strike was over and the......

On The Great War Of 1870-71 Mr. Baxter Had Little

but rejoic- ings almost amounting to exultatiou to express. The French defeat was a result of French frivolity and laxity of character ; the German victory was the legitimate......

The French Home Secretary, M. Lainbrecht, Died This Dee ,...

at Versailles, While dressing, from aneurism of the heart. lie was a civil engineer by profession, and politically a moderate who knew how to be courteous to opponents ou either......

Mr. Baxter, The Secretary To The Treasury, And M.p. For

the Montrose Burghs, addressed his constituents at Arbroath on Wednesday night in a very unfortunate speech,—sore towards his many critics, contemptuous towards Franco, and in......

On Thursday Mr. Baxter Also Made A Speech To Others

of his constituents at Brechln, in which he addressed himself to the -charge brought against him of false economy, which he repelled with great acerbity. He went very deeply......

The Curious Treaty With The Artizan Class, Said To Have

been ori- ginated by certain Conservative peers, and of which wo have dis- cussed the drift in another column, was brought to light in the Telegraph of Thursday, but was not in......

The Education Address Of Mr. Baiues, M.p. For Leeds, Read

at the Social Science Association this day week, was probably the most practical, and after Sir John Pakington's bid for Working- Class votes, the roost important,, of the......