It appears to be certain that the Russian Government, whether
it be determined on war or only resolved to maintain its influ- ence, is making extensive preparations. The railways have been taken up for some time with the conveyance of troops to the South. Transports have been collected on the Black Sea to convey 90,000 men to Bulgaria, if needful. Heavy divi- sions, including, it is stated, 20,000 cavalry, have been stationed in Southern Poland, and the principal Roumanian Ministers have been summoned to a conference with the Czar. Furlough has been refused to all officers, and the old rumour of the Czar's abdication has been suddenly revived and peremptorily denied. Preparations, too, have been made at Con- stantinople for the departure of the Embassy; but the final deci- sion has not, it is evident, yet been taken, and will depend upon the result of the great Council now being held at Livadia.