Scottish Feeling Regarding The Turkish Atrocities.
[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:I SIR,—It was natural for you, in judging of our sentiments on this subject, to suppose that they were reflected by the two journals which have......
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "Snarkrea.".1 SIR,—I should be glad to be permitted to correct a misappre- hension under which you seem to labour in regard to the bearing of my remarks at......
The Clerical Profession And "grace." [to The Editor Of The
"SpacTAToa."3 Sin,—If every man who, in the religious communion to which he belonged, thought it necessary to give up his clerical profession because he could not believe in the......
Politics In Scotland
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPZ4TFATOR.1 SIR,—It seems to be a settled belief of the Spectator that Scotch constituencies ought to be a refuge for distressed English Liberals who......