[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] SIE,—The writer of the article on " Calais " in the Spectator of October 7th is no doubt right in saying that the old town no longer possesses its ancient monasteries, but be might, perhaps, have noted (to quote his friend M. Lenners excellent little guide-book) that the street called after Eustache de Saint-Pierre is "tine voie large et triste, bordie par un convent ck Franciscaines " This convent has a particular interest for Britons, since it has for many years past furnished the nurses for the Military Hospital at Aden. India owes a deep debt of gratitude to French convents, particularly, perhaps, to that at Lyons, which has sent many devoted women to labour in its branches in the East.—I am, Sir, &C., AN ANGLO-INDIAN.