Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have net been ...served for review in other form.] Prayer Book Revision. By a Sexagenarian Layman. (T. Fisher Unwin. 4s.......
The Champions Of The Crown. By Lucy Sealy. (methuen And
Co. 7s. 84. net.)—By this title Miss Sealy designates ten soldiers who fought on the side of King Charles against the Parliament, One might question the propriety of the phrase.......
For Henri And Navarre. By Dorothea Conyers. (hutchinson...
6s.)—Miss Conyers has achieved more than one success, and now she seeks conquest in what is to her, if we remember right, a new field. Clearly she has studied the time about......
Zionist Work In Palestine. By Various Authorities With...
Edited by Israel Cohen. (T. Fisher Unwin. is. net.) —A non-Hebrew Zionist, and such a being is possible—any Anglo- Israelite could be such—might say: "Why do not Hebrew......
Changes Of A Century. By J. C. Wright. (elliot Stock.
6s. net.)—Mr. Wright thinks, and gives us plenty of reasons for thinking, that "life is pleasanter and lived under more healthy surroundings than obtained a century ago" (we do......
Readable Novell—the House Of Many Voices. By Bernard...
Fisher Unwin. 6s.)—The beginning and the end of the story are very good ; the intermediate comes as near to being tiresome as is possible in what Mr. Capes writes.—Dormant. By......
The Patriarchs Of Constantinople. By Claud Delaval...
by the Rev. G. Fortescue and the Rev. H. T. F. Duckworth. (Cambridge University Press. 2s. 6d. net.)— Mr. Cobham summarizes here the text of a record of the Patriarchs of......