ACROSS T. Warning implying one may be rooked on board? (to) 6. Food is everything to the very young (4) Palindromic standard of attainment (5) it. New for a jazzman (9) tz. Browning's troubadour appears in old roles (8) 13. Cut off to the East when it's hard (6) 15. Traffic cop's medal? (4) 16. There's something heroic in depicting scenes of' battle (4) 17. Newspaper items (5) 2o. A 'must' when Satan's driving (5)
21. Right defeated? Totally (4) 22. You'll get very little change out of her! (4) 24. Painted fish-carrier who might induce prejudice (6) 26. 'Like a - mole His chest against his foes' (Smart) (8)
29. Do for the French monarch? But where? (9)
30. Eager to effect harmony (5) 31. Appeal to love is indifferent (2-2)
32. Offer hospitality with darts at ten? (5, 5) DOWN
t. .'Now - the 5 all her sweetness. up' (5) 2. Sacerdotal obeisance? (9)
3. Very cool Scottish visitor! (6) 4. Killjoy who ruins the drink (to) 5. See t down (4) 7. These stones aren't genuine, although of the first water! (5) 8. Pudding, heaps of it, in enamel container (9) 9. 'Ware those militant women in court (7) 14. Possession is some job (so) 55. What's Arsenal got, appropriately? (9) 18. Chap with zest has arboreal source of chutney (5-4) 59. Force that can develop into battery (7) 23. Geographical dilemma? (6) 25. Bandsmen in the money (5)
27. 'The white bleaching on the hedge' (Shake- speare) (5)
28. IL's wrong for the old dame to come up (4)