Brief Abstracts Of The Times
TELEVISION By STUART HOOD A FTER a slightly pompous start and what must have been the longest list of acknowledge- ments even seen on television, the BBC's series The Lost Peace......
Ladies' Night At Cheltenham
By HILARY SPURLING W omEN are supposed by men to lack a sense of humour. Certainly, to judge by last Wednesday evening in Cheltenham Town Hall, they are not equal to the......
For Whom The Chair Waits
THE TIMES By DONALD McLACHLAN W rrH the discretion that it reserves for its own affairs, Fleet Street has dropped the story of The Thnes-Sunday Times marriage just when it was......
Cbe Zpecta Tor
October 13, 1866 A strangely sorrowful, yet dramatic story, is told of the Empres$ Charlotte of Mexico. It is said, and it seems to be true, that the fatigues and excitements of......