Lady Hardinge, accompanied by two of her daughters, leaves town
today by the London and Dover Railway, for France. After staying a short time in Paris, her Ladyship and family will proceed by the same line of route to India as that taken by her distinguished husband, the Governor- G eneral.—Standard.
Sir William Nott was welcomed at his Welsh home, Carmarthen, on Wednesday, with quite a royal reception : boughs and flowers decorated the approaches ; the bells rang; and a procession of the Lord Mayor and Town-Council in scarlet robes, the Odd Fellows and Ivoritea with gay insignia, and the people—a quarter of a mile long—met the car- riage at the village of Pensarn. The General, a white-headed veteran not unlike the Duke of Wellington in cut of feature, looked fatigued and ill ; and the welcome was too much for his fortitude- " An address prepared for the occasion was here read to him, and the veteran was so overcome that his reply was scarcely audible. The tears gushed from his eyes as he told them he could have faced an army of his country's foes with much less emotion than he could his native townsmen's kindness, but that he hoped soon to have another opportunity of thanking them with more calmness. Several bystanders cried, Enough, enough ! sit down, General.' Au affecting incident here took place. A soldier of the Forty-first Foot, which regiment was at Condahar with him, stepped up to the carriage, and said, ' 'Welcome home, General.' The veteran gazed at him a few seconds, saw the Afghan riband at his button-hole, and then said, 'Give me your hand '; and the Gene- ral and the private soldier grasped each other's hands as friends.1,1, hen he arrived at his brother's residence in Picton Terrace, he lingered on the step of the carriage as though desirous of addressing the multitude; but it would not do—he was quite overpowered, and was assisted from his carriage and up the steps to the house by the Mayor and the Recorder."
As soon as he is well enough to be present, there is to be a grand dinner.