14 SEPTEMBER 1844, page 11


SATURDAY NIGHT. Grave events give place in the news of the morning to gossip about all sorts of things. Looking to Ireland, we find rumours of future doings by the Re.- pealers,......

Paris Letters Of Thursday State, That The Government Had...

at a decision respecting the Polytechnic School, unobjectionable, yet destroy- ing the scholars' power to meddle in any future popular movement. Government propose to remove the......

Lady Hardinge, Accompanied By Two Of Her Daughters,...

today by the London and Dover Railway, for France. After staying a short time in Paris, her Ladyship and family will proceed by the same line of route to India as that taken by......


We understand that the visit of the King of the French to her Ma- jesty is now definitively fixed for the early part of next month. It is arranged that his Majesty will embark......


The Aforning Chronicle Gives Some Particulars Of Louis...

tended visit to this country- " His Majesty will leave Tripoli on the 7th or the 9th, by the evening tide, so as to disembark the following day, before midday, at Southampton,......

Her Majesty Has Most Graciously Signified Her Intention...

the Royal Exchange in the course of the last fortnight of the month of October. His Royal Highness Prince Albert is to accompany her Ma- jesty upon the occasion.—Times.......

A Private Correspondent, Writing To The Riforme, Says...

Arabi on the frontiers of Morocco had endeavoured to revenge oa the French camp of Sebdon the disastrous battle of Isly- " At eight o'clock on the morning of the 20th August, a......