The business in the English Funds has not been extensive, neither has the fluctuation of the market been important ; Consols having during the whole week only varied about per cent, and the closing price today is nearly the same as that of last week. A momentary impulse was given to the market on Monday by a purchase to the extent of between 100,000/. and 200,000/. made to close an account that has been long open, by a speculator for the fall; but nothing of importance has occurred since, and the variations have only been those occasioned by the momentary preponderance of buyers or sellers. Money continues as abundant as ever, and is likely to be still more so; the Foreign Exchanges having completely recovered from their recent depression, and being now in steady progress upwards,—a consequence of the present abundant har- vest. While this state of things continues, the flow of the precious metals must be towards this country; and as the amount of bullion in store at the Bank of England increases, the amount of bank-notes in circulation must also increase, and the present low rate of commercial discount-1% to 2 per cent—is likely to continue for some time. The revenue of the current quarter is understood to have been increased very materially by the large amount of duties received upon foreign corn, which the holders have paid in mere despair, at the present rate of 19s. per quarter; as, from the large produce of this year and the operation of the Canadian Corn-bill, they have no hope of any rise in the averages to enable them to enter it at a low rate of duty. In the Foreign Market, there is a general disposition to advance. The greatest rise has taken place in Spanish Stock ; which has improved between I% and 2 per cent, principally on account of the favourable turn taken by the elections for the Cortes now going on, and from the increased stability of the Government. Portuguese Bonds have improved about 1% per cent, though the business transacted has not been extensive. The Dutch and Northern Euro- pean Bonds are all in request. So are all the South American Bonds, both Dividend-paying and others.
Since the settlement of our dispute with France, an immense impulse has been given to the projection of Railway schemes; every day teeming with some new project in addition to those already existing. Most of these enterprises are either directly or indirectly opposed to the interest of lines already established ; and some of the older and more important of those now in existence have fallen in price, in consequence of the opposition threatened. Thus, the York and North Midland, Midland, and Birmingham lines, are suffering from the support piten to the London and York direct line; which has grown suddenly into favour, and from being neglected has advanced to between 3 and 4 premium. The Portsmouth direct line, the shares of which are not yet apportioned, also operates to the prejudice of the South-western, the shares of which were at one time 10/. below recent prices, but have rallied again. Brighton shares are also lower, in consequence of a threatened revival ot STEPHENSON'S line, which is to leave the South-western at Kingston, and proceed yid Epsom and Dorking across the Weald to Shoreham, and thence by the present Shoreham Railway to Brighton. Many of these new schemes are to be worked upon the atmospheric principle ; and the present may be con- sidered as a crisis in Railway affairs; for if the new principle can be worked as economically and safely as is represented, it is quite clear that it will enter into destructive competition with railways now existing. The question will be solved, we believe, in the course of the next year; for by that time the Epsom, Croydon, and London Railway, which is to be constructed in accordance with it, will be opened ; and its length, upwards of twenty miles, will be a fair test ot the aorking of the new plan. With the exception of those particular lines, which are depressed by the causes just referred to, there is ageneral demand, both real and speculative, for every description of Railway Stock.
SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. There is scarcely any business doing either in the English or Foreign Funds, which are generally at yesterday's quotations. Bank Stock is, however, quoted at 201%, an advance of % per cent. India Stock is also marked at 283%, a previous quotation.
The Share-market is in full activity, and the demand for new enterprises still continues. We have to notice bargains in the following varieties. Bou- logne and Amiens, 2%; Bristol and Exeter, 80%; Bristol and Gloucester, 54, 3%; Chester and Holyhead, 6#; Dublin and Cashel, 10%; Eastern Counties, 13%; Great Western, Fifths, 26; Lancaster and Carlisle, 6%; Birmingham, 216; Brighton, 47%; Greenwich, 1011; South-western, 79 8; Manchester and Bir- mingham, 51%, ex div.; Midland, 108%; Ditto, Derby and Birmingham, 76; Newcastle and Darlington Junction, 48% 8; South-eastern, 391; Trent Val- ley, 8.1 a; York and North Midland, 1065; Ditto, Selby and Scrip, 36% 7; South Devon, 9.
The English Funds close at a slight advance upon the morning's prices. Consols both for Money and Account have reached 991, and close at 99a % for Money, and 99# for Account. There is no change or business of importance in the Foreign Stocks. The Share Market is in a very active state ; the following bargains having occurred in addition to those given in the morning : Birmingham and Glouces- ter, 111; Caledonian, 4% I ; Great Western, 146; Greenwich, 10%; Ditto, Preference, 23%; Midland, 107; Sheffield and Manchester, 95%; South-eastern, 391 4 %; York and North Midland, 104%; London and York Direct, 51 % % # ; Paris and Rouen, 388; Boulogne and Amiens, 2# : St. John Del Rey Mining Shares, 12%.
3 per Cent Consols
991 I
Colombian ex Venezuela....
131 14
Ditto for Account
991 Danish 3 per Cents 89 90 3 per Cent Reduced
shut Dutch 21 per Cents
621 1
31 per Cent Ditto
shut Ditto Spec Cents 1001 4 New 31 per Cents
shut Mexican 5 per Cents " ..... 351 6 Bank Stock
201/ Ditto Deferred 151 * Exchequer Bills prem. 74 6 Portuguese New 5 p.Cts .1841 451 64 India Stock
283/ Russian 5 per Cents... ex d 118 19 Brazilian 5 per Cfmts
864 74
Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 241 * Belgian Spec Cents
103 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 1942 344 5 Chilian 6 per Cents
102 4 Venezuela Active 40 42
The first account of the affairs of the Bank of England required by the new act appeared in the Gazette last night. In strict accordance with the pro- visions of the act, the issue of bank-notes is kept up to the amount of the Government Debt, Public Securities, and bullion, taken together : the accounts of the Issue-department therefore show an issue of 'notes to the extent of 28,351,295/. Of the notes issued, however, 8,175,025/. are not in circulation, but remain in the Banking-department : so that the amount actually in circu- lation is 20,176,2701.; to which must be added 1,030,534/. for Bank-post and other bills ; and these two sums taken together make the amount which under the old system of account would have been returned under the head of notea in circulation. It therefore appears that the actual amount of notes in circulation on the 7th instant was 21,206,804/., or about 118,000/. less than on the 7th August last. The amount of bullion in deposit in the Issue-department is stated at 14,351,295/. ; but to this must be added the amount of gold and silver coin held by the Banking-department, 857,765/.; and these two together form the amount of bullion in store at the time to which the account was made up—viz. 15,209,060/. Compared with the last statement, 7th August, there is a decrease of 369,940/. The accounts of the Banking-department are only of importance in showing the amount of "Rest," or undivided profit ; which appears to be 3,564,729/. This account is to a certain extent imperfect; as it does not contain a separate item of the value of the Dead-weight Annuity, of which, from the manner of stating the account, it is impossible to form even an approximation as to the value assigned to it