Probably the. - sounder rotate of agriculture in Ireland—sounder, though still
scarcely risen above the lowest level of debasement— will tend more than anything to counteract the-noxious, .effects of agitations:like:these ts are striving o arouse. The Synod. of-aRatintn.CiithOlio Bishops and dignitaries at Thurles has clo aad-lweihr,ve as yet no clear account of its proceedings. riStmerthing–haeficet resolved against the Queen's Colle,mes ; itivlekridiv not What. Some of the Prelates have de- cliaaff to • act as ' Visitors to the' Colleges; and in dismissing the Synod, the Primate preached implicit obedience to Rome, as the nick by which, amid allthe changes of Europe and the storms- of internal anarchy, the Catholic Church has been safely moored ever since the days of St. Patrick. But the Lord-Lieutenant was jus- tified—on his visit to Belfast in his Northern tour—in alluding to
the improvement which he has initiated in Irish agriculture ; the chastening scourge of famine has done more towards extirpating false systems ; the Encumbered Estates Act is doing its work well; and as Ireland advances in material prosperity, her reconcilement to the state under which she lives ought to wean her from anti- quated reliances and the spiritual stimulants of a helpless despair.