There Are Now No Fewer Than Five Candidates To Fill
the vacant seat in Parliament for Poole. In addition to the three Members already enume- rated,—Mr. Seymour, the sole Liberal and Free-trade candidate, with Mr. Savage and Mr.......
The First Regular Session Of The Legislative Assembly Of The
Dutchies of Holstein and Schleswig assembled at Kid on the 9th instant. From the fact that nearly all the Dutehy of Schleswig is occupied by the Danes, the members present were......
The General Committee Of The Lancashire Public School...
in full assembly, last Tuesday, on the important business in- tended to come before the Educational Conference proposed to be held in October." After the reading of a vast......
The Life Of The Duke Of Wellington Was Put In
peril by accident yes- terday. As he was driving from Dover to Walmer Castle the post-horses took fright at some flying paper, and drew the carriage off the road down a bank......
The Example Of The Barclay Brewers Has Been Followed On
the Conti- nent. According to the Timm, the police of Cologne had to protect Gene- ral Haynau from the violence of the Democrats. And the North Ger- man Gazette of the 11th......
SATITRDAT. The intelligence from Hesse-Cassel increases in interest. The Perms- nanent Committee of the Chamber is proceeding with great energy, and with a concurrence so......
The Lord-lieutenant Of Ireland Made A Public Entry Into...
on Thursday, amidst the most impressive demonstrations by the sober but strongly-feeling citizens. General Bainbrigge and his staff, the Corpora- tion, with other public bodies,......