AS the signs of the approaching concourse to the Exposition of 1851 appear, those who have foresight and intelligence should be- times prepare the appliances which will be needed, and. which those signs indicate. It is quite evident that the state of London for that 3-ear will be wholly abnormal—more, perhaps, like a holydity watering-place on the most gigantic scale than any other thifi1 kid yet unlike that in many respects—particularly in the gravity' of 'the matters to be discussed, and in the absence of any counter-attrac- tion in the shape of some other and greater town, to diiirt part of the pressure. Besides the Exposition and the concourse 'belong- ing to it—besides the shoals of visiters come to see the concourse— we see that other expositions will flock to take advantage of that imniense market. The Peace Associations will fry to gam' the ear of the allied sovereign peoples attending here by deputy, ; Social Reformers are to set forth their doctrines ; divers political bodies talk of having their special expositions ; panoranias are projected; Covent Garden Opera counts on a full season to reimburse losses. We notice that the working class clubs, throughont the country, to save up money and erganize excursions to London, are multi- Now there is a danger attending such a state of things, which we would gladly see averted. In the first place, greedy specu- lators will flock to prey upon the shoals of strangers in London ; in the second place, those greedy speculators, emptying the purses of visiters prematurely and wrongfully, will defeat malty ef the best incidents of the season—the experience, information, and en- joyment of the travellers. We say nothing of the fact that this fraud will be partly at the expense of the fair dealer, as that is be- side our present purpose. We are thinking mainly of the extent to which the very objects of the Exposition will be defeated, and of the disgrace that will be entailed upon London. Steps should betoken to prevent both disasters : and if the "legitimate trader" , knows his own interest, he will perceive how much it is engaged to cooperate in securing the objects of the Exposition and the com- forts of the visiters against extortion and fraud. The Commissioners have already taken a measure which will protect the artisan class against One kind of extertion—that of ex- orbitant lodging-rent—by opening a registry for lodgings ; which will give the registered lodginghouse-keepers all the advantages of preference, while certain conditions, as to respectability, settled charges, and accommodation, will be secured to the visiters. The registry is a very simple contrivance, which will effect incalculable good. A similar 'convenience would be very ialueble Ike! other chases besides those of the artisanorder, and we presume that it will not be neglected. But there are many other Ways in which such security might be afforded to visiters,--especially for transit; whether in long or short journeys ; for inn-accommodation; for amusements; and for guidance. In all these 'branches of service it would, be well if respectable persons or companies could foresee the demand, -could preoccupy the ground, _and, could thus afford, not only security for the waters and for the honour of the Metro- polis, but data for the 'plans andarrangements of visiters hafore they set out. For example, railway companies' might devise and announce the outline of trains and tariffs, to, be- adhered to for a certain season—say from April to September inclusive; or even longer. Steamboat companies might lay out combined routes and excursions,' on fixed plans,' likewise affixed' charges. .
Onini- buses and cabs might get themselves registered for the Exposition, with. very intelligible routes and tables: of charge ; inns might adopt the like systematic frankness ; theatres, the like. An intel- ligent speculator could not perform a more useful,serviee than in organizing an effectiie staff of guides and interpreters, the latter
divided into languages, with' 'r qualifleations,.and fixed charges. Clear intelligibleness and fixed charges would be the vital principle of all such arrangements; but the.more they were made in concert the better; and in all cases;bOth,speculaters and organizing public would find a. great advantage' in' having the sanction of the Commissioners. We are confident that a large de- gree of. the good. feeling which -will attend the .Eiposition, and the memory of it—much of its commercial political, andisocial advert- tagewilli depend upon foresight and attention.iins these.ra:pects ; while foresight *and attention can unquestionably supply all that isle- wanted.