14 SEPTEMBER 1850, Page 18


Although the publishing world has partaken of the usual business quiet of September, the month has produced mere books than isalways the ease with its first two weeks, and of more character. For this the reading world is indebted to Mr. Bentley and Messrs. Longman ; the former furnishing the lighter reading, the latter contributing medical science. Of Mr. Bentley's, we have already noticed two ; Mr. Jesse's second series of " London and its Ce- lebrities" remains for our leisure. Of the medical works, Dr. Thomas lCmg Chambers's treatise on Corpulence challenges review. The merit of Mr. Bir- kett's "Diseases of the Breast" is vouched by the award of the Council of the College of Surgeons, who bestowed the Jacksonian .prize upon the dissertation. It will be found a painstaking, careful, and judicious work, but rather cha- racterized by the information derived from reading and anatomical investi- gation than by extensive original observation : not that Mr. Birkett is not an observer, but that observation does not seem to be the prominent feature of his book. The subject and its anatomical corpositMn will, we suspect, militate against the use of the book for popular handling. Of the novel from Mr. Newby, "An Old Country-House," we must speak with equal doubt.

London and its Celebrities. A Second Series of Literary and Eateries'

Memorials of London. By J. Heneage Jesse, Author of "Memoirs of the Court of England," &c. In two volumes.

Corpulence; or Excess of Fat in the Human Body, its relations to Che- mistry and Physiology, its bearings on other Diseases and the Value of Human Life, and its indications of Treatment. With an Appendix on Emaciation. By Thomas King Chambers, M.D., &e.

The Diseases of the Breast, and their Treatment. By John Birkett, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Fogland, &c.

An Old Country-House; a Novel. By the Author of "The Gambler's Wife," &c. In three volumes.

Pictures of Rural Life in Austria and Hungary. From the German, by Mary Norman. In three volumes.

The Berber, or the .Ifountaineer of the Atlas ; a Tale of the Sallee Ro- vers. By William Starbuck Mayo, M.D., Author of "Kaloolah."

Thoughts for Hotne, in Prose and. Terse. By Mrs. Thomas Geldart, Author of "Truth is Everything," &c. [This little volume of verses, for the most part on domestic subjects, was written, says the author, "not for the admirers of poetry, or the critical reader, but for a certain class, who, albeit they are not deep in the myste- ries of Muses, can appreciate and understand those simple outpourings of the heart to the heart—those 'songs of the affections,' those domestic lyrics —which are beneath the talent of the more practised poet, and yet appeal as strongly to the common feelings of every heart as-poetry of a higher order might do." The subjects spoken of are not beneath the practised poet ; on the contrary, they are among the greatest that the poet can reach. Perhaps, however, Mrs. Geldart rather refers to the quality than the theme ; in that case her opinion is just, and she has attained her end. There is both sentiment and feeling in her verses, though they are somewhat wanting in poetical spirit. They will please that numerous class of persons to whom they are addressed.] Historic Charades ; or English Wild Flowers. By the Author of "Pearls from the Ocean Wave."

[A series of poems on events, or rather on persons distinguished in British story. The poems are arranged into sets ; the first letter of each " cha- racter " forms a word which resolves the riddle. Of their merit or appro- piateness as " charades " we do not profess to speak, but it strikes us that an attempt at setting the ingenuity to work may have injured the poetry in a critical point of view. It is so allusive as to become vague. The subjects are not to be discovered, at least by the unskilled in riddles, save by the key at the end. The verses are pretty.] Poetry and Criticism. By. Outis. [This. handsome volume "privately printed for the author," consists of occasional poems and translations, the longest of which is a piece founded on Johnson's' tale of " Anningait and Ajut." The verses are followed by a critical account of the Greek tragedies, made by the author on his continu- ous perusal of them. The volume argues acquirement and literary taste.] The Doctor's Little Daughter. By Eliza Meteyanl, (Silverpen.) Il-

lustrated by Harvey.

[An elegantly-written juvenile story, in which the commonest incidents of domestic life derive interest from the charmingly-drawn characters of the " Doctor " and his "little daughter." it is natural affliction presented in one of its most attractive forms.] A Modern Grammar of the French Language. With two series of Easy Exercises. Designed chiefly for the use of those who prepare for the Examinations. By Jules Lemarie, B. Is L. [A good arrangement, great clearness, and an agreeable manner of convey- ing information, are characteristics of this grammar ; but its principal fea- tee in the author's estimalina is a. weak iniproyement in.tho....anode- of teaching the verbe. lit Laraine- only allows three .i4iffar conjugations, verbs in oir being placed whorl the irregulars. Inthe exhibition of the irregular verbs, too, he lays claim to the merit of greater simplicity.] • The Villa Gardener : comprising the Choice of a Suburban Villa Real- deuce; the Laying-out, Planting, and Culture of the Grounds ; and the Management of the Villa Farm, including the Dairy and Poultry-

• yard. Illustrated by numerous Engravings. By J. C. Loudon, F.L.b., &e. Second edition. Edited by Mrs. Loudon.

This new edition of the late Mr. London's Suburban Gardener has been altered by Mrs. London as elotiely as she could to give effect to her husband's intentions. Mere suburban gardens were to some degree to yield to villas, for which purpos.: he had made several designs Mrs. Loudon has added nu- merous designs for plant-houses, made expressly for this volume by Mr. Fran- cis Renck. She has also given the names of new plants ; details respecting new modes of gardening, so as to being down the work to the present tune; and a, copious index.] Darnley; or the Field of the Cloth of Gad. By G. P. R. James, Req.

• (Parlour .Library.)

&ea and Iona Described and Illustrated; with Notices of the Princi- pal Objects on the Route from Port Crinan to Oban and in the Sound of Mull_ very superior guide-book. The antiquarian matter, as well as that re- [eting to natural subjects, is taken from other books ; but taken with judg- ment. The information essential to the tourist, and the description of the Objects which meet his eye, are evidently derived from observation. The 'different materials have been well fused in the writer's mind, and thrown off in an original style.]


: views of the Oasis of Siwah, accompanied by a Map of the Libyan

Desert. Designed by Bay le St. John, Author of "Two Years' Reai- dende in a Levantine Family," &c. ; and drawn on stone by Messrs.

, Aimiont and Housselin.

[We have already noticed Mr. St. John's lively volume : the present fasci- oulus of lithographs illustrateathe remarkable region to which that book re- lates; and as the region is so removed from all that is familiar to the Euro-

pean illustration is very welcome. The first view represents the e of Garah,-a nest-fortress of compacted mud-huts, the strange abodeesYwaeinach remind one of the sociable grosbeak. The general view of the Salt lake lying before the oasis is almost as dreary as that of Lake Torrens in the despairing regions above South Australia. Siwah-el-Bebir is a more cas- tellated form of the conglomerate town. The ruins of Om Beyda-the Tem- ple of Jupiter Ammon-come to the eye almost as wondrously as "the blue bull at the North Pole," so completely have they been buried- from civilized sight for ages. The Fountain of the Sun-a stream buried in trees, and haunted by the meditative stork-after the other views, realizes the sense of refreshment and repose described by the young author. The views are effectively drawn, printed in neutral tints, and handsomely got up on fine PaPer.] - National Gallery, and Galleries of the Royal &offish. Academy, Edin- burgh. W. IL Playfair, Esq., Architect; lithographed by W. and A. K. Johnston, Edinburgh.


• .Sufolk, with its Railways. -

(A very, good map of Suffolk with its railways, exhibiting a variety of county information, printed on strong- paper and folded into a case, for sixpence. It is the commencement of a new series of County Maps to contain the Railways : but *by begitflvith Suffolk ? There is nothing to be said against that respectable agricultural county, but with what as- sociations is it connected? what " chord " does it touch? Even Wel- - sey's birthplace cannot give it buoyancy; we think of the famous Car- dinal, not of Ipswich. • Who visits it, except "on business" ? what has it got to show ?-Not even a ramification of railways; nay, not even &through line. You cannot cross the county upon the iron way ; it has lint three or fourbits of rail, and several of those upon the confines. Be advised, Mr: Collins, and leave adjoining Norfolk even with its dumplings and geese to a later day. There is ". London and its Environs," of which a really good railway map is wanted; there is Kent ; there is Middlesex; there is Surrey; there is Hampshire; there are counties with watering- places, or great battle-fields, or historical associations, or modern manufac- tories, or natural beauties but Suffolk !-Surely it must be the native county of the projectors, and their love has led them astray.]


. The See of St. Peter, the Rock of the Church, the Sources of Jurisdie- • if!" and the Centre of Unity. By Thomas William Allies ALA., Author of "The Church of England Cleared from the charge of Schism."

Unteach the Irishman ; a Relative View of the National Schools and - other Educational Systems in Ireland. By the Reverend P. W. Ma- lone, _ °ratio Harverana, in lEdibus Collegii Regalia Mediceram habits, die ,Tunii X_XLX. MDCCOL A Jacob° Arturo Wilson, M.D.

Spanish Finance from 1820 to 1850. An Appeal by the Dutch Creditors to the Finance Junta in Madrid, and to their fellow sufferers, 8ce. By Henry Dashwood, Esq.

State of the Great Ship-Canal Question. Convention between Great Britain and the United States. By the Author of "Mosquito, Nica- ragua, and Costa Rica."

Some Reasons why the Great Northern Railway is likely, at its pre- sent market-price, to yield the largest Percentage Return ever paid by any railway in the kingdom. By a Shareholder.

Report of the Evidence of George Hudson, Seq., ff.P., on the Trial of the Cause of Richardson versus Titoism:, York Summer Assizes 1850. Edited bf a Barrister. Report of the Acting Conimittee to the Standing Committee of West India Planters and Merchants. August 1850.