14 SEPTEMBER 1850, Page 21


Tuesday, September 10.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—G. and F. linings, Pudsey, Yorkshire, drapers-J. ancIG.-Clough, Bradford, Yorkshire, ale-merchants-Scott and Email, -Dean Street, timber-merchants-A, and T. Hickinbotham, Aldgate, butchers-Walker and Jones, Liverpool. ale-dealers-43ryden and Porter, Liverpool, drapero. Jalland and. Hawks- leg, Nottiagham,..civil engineers-Cox and- Co.. Manchester, _tobacconiets--The Hartley Bottle Company, Cousin Lane ; as far *as regards J. and G, Carr and B. Lam- bert-Wild and Nield, Stockport, cotton-spinners-Melross and Roberts, Northamp- ton, elirriers=1-fannaford and Giles, Plymouth, iron-founders-James and Nevison, Peurith-Bartignie• and 13oulton, Norwich, ironmongers-Davy Ind Wilkins, Ash- atil Co. Liverpool, prcnision-rneichants-Stelfox 'andGorst, Liver. pool, coabflealersiderbert and Co. Sergeant's Inn, -Fleet Street, solicitors; as far as regards:F. klerberb.,-12. A. and J. Pearce, Worksop, saddlers-Walker and Co. Carlisle, tiMper-merett00bi-Australian Trust Company, London; as far as regards

R. M. cilit; • ..

BANXRUPYU'Y Martine, Kingscote, Glimeestershire, innkeeper.' IfiaNsat.-DAIIIF.t. RADFORD and GAD .SOTJTHALL, Gracrichurch Street, coal- . merchants; to surrender Sept. 27, Oct. .25; - solicitors,. Lawranceand Plows, Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Gamlen, Birehin Lane---Jons Drivson, Clements Lane; shipowner, Sept. 18, Oct.'.22: solicitors, Lawrence and Plows, Old Jewry . Chambers ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basingliall Street- RICHARD GADSDEN, Boughton Mill. Northamptonshire, miller, Sept. 18, Oct. 22 solicitors, Austen, Gtel'is 'Inn; Flesher, Northampton ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street -Jdme HALL, Brightonvictuallersepti 241' ehit 221 solicitors; Sowton, Great James Street, Bedford Itenv; Kennett„Brighton ; _offleialassignee, Edwards, Sam- brook Court-Josen Criantes BYRIfE, Pall Mali East, emigration-agent, Sept. 27, Oct. 22: solicitors, Green and Dennis. AMgel Court, Throgmotton 'Street; official assignee, dWards, Sambrook Court-ISAAC. jeasior, Eingsdown; Kent, farther, Sept. 25;Dct. 22180110ton; Corners, Tooley Street; Noakes, Woolwich; official 'assignee, Groom, .Abchiareh .Lane-Josmar 13ifou,s; Girdlesendi- grocer, Sept: 24, Oct. 22: soliMtora, Wilkinson and Co N ichoias Lane ; Shakland,,Gravesend ; .otlicial assignee, Edwards, Ssanbrook CourtSussainawn STANIFORD, Plymouth, innkeeper, Sept. 20, Nov. 7: solieitors, Edmonds and Sons, Plymouth; Stogdon, Exeter; official assig- nee. Ilernaman, Exeter. Dremnrina.-Get, 2;.,• Abram,. Liverpeol, wine.-merchant--'Oct. 2, Brown, Liver- pool, provision-merchant. CEartricArz.4:76 Si "grah6x7; unless cause be shown to the contrary, Ott the day of sneeting:,--Oet. §,,Evana!-Ludlow, batch er. Scorcm6rannsimanotes.-Idillar; Edinburgh, Merchant, Sept. 18, Oct. 9-Lillie and Son, Plasgow,,dratsers, Sept. 16, Oct. 7-Clark, Edinburgh, innkeeper, Sept. IA,. Oct. 7-Douglas, Edinburgh. fishing-tackle-maker, Sept. 17, Oct. 8-Cheyne, 011a- bery, Zetland, Sept. 12, bet. 3-Bridges, • Ayr, hotelkeeper, Sept. 13, Oct.4.

,1:, ,,;,. .0mday,.Septentber 13. Penn:Basra-Es Dissotar Moms and White, Dursley, grocers-Poppy and cfBle ale Bowitt-Lupton an, Chipping. Laneashire, iron-founders ; as fat as re- gards T. Bleasdrile-Elidalie and Preston, Moorg,ite Street, &don:nes-Sparrow and Co. Skinner Street, -teik,inerclianhiGurney and Williams,. Great Charlotte Street, Christchurch, victuallers-,Perry and Brown, Symon's Street, Chelsea, carpenters- Nunn and Co: Waterloo Road, house-agents-Btown and Newth, Jermyn Street. outfitters-Fielden and Brothers, Bacup, Lanraahlrs, cotton-manufacturers; as far as regards .1. Pielden-Warcing and Ashwortlu7Choiler, brewers-IL M. and N. lutchineen. Grand Junction Terrace, ,Edgeware Road-.-.Williams.and Dunn, brass- founders -Martin and Pigg, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne., paper-dealers-Redfern and Co. Cheettiarri, near Manchester,brick-mekers-DaWbara and Sons, Wisbeach, grocers; as far as regards' W. Dervbarn-Dobson and Co. Liverpool, forwarding-agents- Wrigley and Sons, Budgelibwipaper-miumfactureni.,--Bird and A,dains, Cripplegate Buildings, boot-makers-National Fire and Life Insurance Company of Scotland.; as far as regards C. Russell and W. 1.. Ewing. BaswatirirS:-GzottotiiiCEirentEt, Asheldham, Esime, innkeeper; to Surrender. Sept. 28, Oct..25: sedicitors; Wire tit Co. St. Snithin's Lane; Barnes, ColihesterMlicial ree, Whitmore, Basinghall St.-JewAs HUSSEY, Poole, linendraper, Sept. 30, Oct. solicitors, Sowtou, Great James St.; Garland and Fear, Dorchester; official as- signee, Cannan, BirchinLane-TruntAs BOORF:R scn. and TIMMAS Banana jun. Mark Lane, merchant, Sept. 25, Oct. 22: solicitor.-Leigh; .George Street,- Mansionhonse ; official assignee,Groom,Ahchurrli Lane-Roam= Warmer, Greenwich, boot-maker, Sept. 25, Oct. 29: solicitors, Bristow and Tarrant, Broad Court, Walbrook ; official assignee, Edwards; Sambrook CourtenAritre Crritimar, Kennington Cross, corn dealer. Sept. 24, Oct. 29: solicitors, Miller and Carr, Eastcheap; official assignee, Ornate, Ahchureli Lane-JAnss TOOVEY, Watford. innkeeper, Sept. 25. Oct. 29: .ini- lfater,'Dimmock and Blithe's. 8iiffelk lane; Cannon Street; official assignee, Groom, Alichurchilarre--WittramBull, painter, Sept. 25, Oct. 16: solicitor, Moss; 11M1;. official assignee, Carrick:Hull. DIVIDrRDS,—Oct. 5, Booth, Princes Street, , Lambeth, lime-burner--Oct. 4, Ball, West Street; Soho, victualler-Oct. 4; Broadjun, Brighton, tallow-chandler-Oct. 11, Welch, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, draper-Oct. 8, Jackson, Lichfield, wine-merchant- Oct.'9,' Treffry, tregoiley, Cornwall, seedstnan-Oct. 15, ii:yrke, Wrexham, lime- burner-Oct. 1.5, Toinkinson,' Liverpool, stone-mason-Oct. 14, Alletaon, Liverpool, drysalter. Cererrvickras.-21, be granted, unless cause be shown to thecontrary; on the day of meeting.—Oct. 7, Murdoch, Bristol, draper-Oct. 11, Bourne,. Liverpool, cotton-bros ker--Oet.,11, Brown, -Newtown, Montgomeryshite,- coach-builder--Oct. 11, Welch, Ashby-de-la-,Zouoh, draper-,-Oet. 11,0. and U. Holmes. Derby, ironmonger. DscLankrxoss OF tuvrarsas.-Parker, Blackburn, grocer ; second and final div. of Old: Get:15,, er'any subsequent Tuesday; Pat, Manchester-Clarke and Dearden, Bury.grobers ; first div. of 7d. Oct. 15, or any subsequent :Tuesday; Pott, Munches- ter-,Orrell, Manchester, gun-manufacturer ; first div. of Is. 51d. Oct. 15, or any sub. sequeat Tuesday; Pott, Manchester. Seorcir llsorraraerioigs,-Park, Kilmtut, -Argsleshiret ileiher, Sept. 19, Oct. 10- Macdonald, Glasgow, mason, Sept. 18, Oct: 9-Gillan, Leith, banker, Sept. 18; Oct. 16-Anderson, Carnwath, Lanarkshire, wright, Sept. 20, Oct. 11.