BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
Saturd. Vonday Doesday. 7Fednos. Thurs.
3 per Cent Consols
961 961 981 961 961
Mentor Account 969 901 941 964 861
5 per Cents Reduced
97 94 97} shut 31 per Cents 9131 99 99 99 991 991
Long Annuities,
-- 81 81 81 — shut Bank Stock, 8 per Cent 214 — 214 — 215 215 India Stock, 10.4 per Cent
266 266
Excheiveir UIs, 14d per diem
es tan. -68 63
63 66
India Bonds, n per cent
--- — 05 pm. 84 84 ' FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Austrian s p..03
83/ Massachusetts (Sterling). ..5 p. Ct
Belgian 41 - 901
Mexican a -
Ditto oi -
Michigan 6 -
Brazilian 5 — 93
Mississippi (Sterling) 6 - Reenoei Ayres 6 —
New York (1.858)-
• 93
Chili= 5 -
1035 Ohio 6 - 106 Danish 3 - — Pennsylvania 5 - 831 cad.
Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) -21 -- 571 Peruvian 41 -
Ditto 905 Portuguese 5 -
French 3 - ,
Sit. 25c.
Ditto. 3
Dicta 5- — Russian 5 111 Indiana (Sterling) ... .. .. . 5 - . 731 Spanish 5 191 Illinois 6 - — Ditto 3 371
Xentucisy -- ----
Ditto.,(Passive) 4 Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - 90 ex d. Ditto (Deferred)
Maryland (Sterling) 5 - 891 Venezuela Active 321 8 11 A RE S.
(Last Official Quotation during th e Week endIng.Friday Evening.) RAILIV k48-. Bangs-
Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties 6 British North Anierlean Colonial 40 Great Northern 101 Commercial of London
Great North of England
London and Westniinster
Great South- and West. Ireland,. It London Joint Stock 18
Great Western,
National of Ireland.
Hull and Selby
National Provincial
Lancashire and Yorkshire 431 ex d. Provincial of Ireland 411 Laiieasterand Carlisle
56 rid.
Union of Australia
LondoliBrighton and South Coast 831
Union of London
London and Blackwell 91
MINNS- London and North-western
1111 Botanist
Midland 371 Brazilian Imperial
North British 6' Ditto (St. John del Rey) 181 South-eastern and Dover 18 Cobre Copper •
SOuth-westeca 595
York, Newcastle, and. Berwick 151 exd.
Australian Agricultural
16 York and North Midland
East and West India
Canada General steam
Peninsular and Oriental Steam 39 271 78
122 Royal Mail Steam
at. Katherine
all South Australian
BULLION. Per us. METALS. Per ton.
Foreign Gold in Bari, Standarl 83 17 9
Copper,BritlohCsskesM 0 0.. 0 0 0 FortignOold /12 Coln, Portugal Pieces 0 0 0
Iron, British liars .... 6 10 0.. 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 4 101 Lead, British Pig 17 10 0.. 0 0 0
Snver In Bars, Snuidard 0 5 u
Steel, Swedish Keg... 13 15 0 .. It 0 0 GRAIN. Mark Lane, Sept. 13. .
Wheat,R.New 38 to40 Rye 23 to 34 Maple 33 to 34
Oats, Feed .. 17 to la
Fine 41-43 Barley 21-22 White .... -30
Pine .. 15 -19
Old 40-42 Halting... 27-29 Boilers ... 32-34
Poland ... 20-It
White 40-42 Malt, Ord. .. 48-52 Beans, Ticks. 26-28 Fine .. 21-22 Fine 42-44
. Tine . . 52.-51
Old IS-SO Potato .... 23-23 Fine ., 23-34 Super. New. 44-30 Peas, Hog.... 30-Si indian Corn. 27-29
• To sink the offal, per Sib. ' AVERAGE PR CBS OF CORN.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.
Wheat ... 43s. 71. Rye 23s. Id.
Harley.... 22 7 Beans 28 3 Oats 18 0 Peas 27 0 FLOUR. .
Town.made per sack 40s. to 43.s.
Seconds 37 40 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 32 - 34 Norfolk and Stockton 30 - 32
American ' per barrel 23 - 25
Canadian 22 - 24 Bread, 6.1. to 74. the 41b. loaf. WHEEL% A VKAAUB. For the Week ending Sept.). Wheat . 43e. 24. I Rye 25,44. Barley 22 5 Beans 28 9
Data 17 11 Peas . ... ... 27 10 PROVISIONS Batter-Beat Fresh, Ii.. 04. per dos. Carlow, E. 13s. to M. 18s. per cwt.
Bacon, Irish per cwt. 60s. to Oi.
Cheese, Cheshire 42 - 60 Derby Plain 44 -'-94 Hams, York GO -70 Eggs, French, per 120, 4s. Oil, to 5s.84.
8,1.1111FIALD.• 117AD OT CATTLE ST
Beef ..
90261033 2 4 to 5 2 to 3 S
Friday. Monday.
Mutton 2 8 - 3 0 - S 8 3
8 - a 10 - 4 2 Beasts.
94 4,740 Veal .. 2 4 - 3 0 - 3 6 2 6 - 3 4 - 3 8 Sheep. 10,420 28,580 Pork .. 3 0 - 3 8-4 6 .. - .. 3 4 - 3 8 - 4 2
528 259 Lamb.. 3 0
- 3 8 - 4 0
8 - 4 0-4 4
Pigs 290 295 HOPS.
Rent Pockets Oct° 112$.
Choice ditto. 0 '0
Sussex ditto 84 . 90 Parnham ditto 0 Root.. Down and half-bred Hogs per lb. 124. to 1314.. Wether and Ewe 11 - 12i Leicester Ilogget and Welber 12 - 0 Fine Combing 10k- 111
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 38 Trusses.) Comarau.ssn. WHITECHAPil.
75o. to 78s 75s. to 77.. 50.. to 75+.
50 - 70 00 - 00 0 - 0
0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 78 84 85 -87 60 -55 24-06 29 ' - 28 24 -30 Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw
Rape 011 per cwt. 81 16 0
Relined 1 18 0
LinseedOil 1 13 0 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 9 0 0
Candice, per dozen, 4s. M. to 55. 64. Moubls (84. per dos. discount) 7e. Od.
Coals, Hetton 16 6
Tees 158
Tea, Bohea, fine...per lb.• 0,414. to Os. U. Congou, Sae 1 4 1 6 Souchong, itne i s -a 4 • In Bond-Duty 2s. Id. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) per owl.. 83o. to 1025. Good Ordinary ....... 45 - 48.. 64. Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt... 26... 716. West IndiaMolasses las. Od. to 15s. &I.