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FRANCE. —President Bonaparte's progress through the Channel de- partments attained a climax of high interest at Cherbourg. If his recep- tion there was less immediately a welcome one than at Lyons or Stras- bourg, the character of the display before the English visitors was flatter- ing to national vanity, and so was likely to favour his cause with naval France, which hitherto has shown a faithful recollection of ita Orleans fa- vourite the Prince de Joinville.
In our compilation we rely, as in previous instances, chiefly on the graphic and well-written narrative of the special correspondent of the Times. We enter the port of Cherbourg with that writer on board a steam-packet from Havre. His sketch of French prostration under the malady of sea-sickness amusingly puts forward a political moraL
"It was my unhappy lot to cross from Havre to Cherbourg in one of these commercial steamers. The sea was just as smooth as a canal, merely rip- pling beneath the gentlest of breezes. As the vessel moved from the quay she presented an animated picture of gayety, good-humour, and. cheerful- ness. The deck was as full as it could hold from stem to stern ; chairs being placed in tiers for the accommodation of the passengers, who had tra- velled from Paris, Caen, Rouen, and all accessible towns, to =themselves, as and seemed determined on their intention as smoking, g, eating, laughing, and talking could make them. But, alas all that pleasant frame of mind was soon destroyed. The quay was passed, and as the sea was shak- ing his great lazy sides in the sunshine, he gave the top-heavy boat a gentle lift, which made it incline an inch or so to one side, and then to the other out of compliment. Instantly a horrid silence reigned over the vessel ; she moved on mute as the Flying Dutchman. Cigars were covertly removed from between the lips and east into the sea; pipes were stowed away in the remotest pockets; the glass was left half emptied, and the most delicate little
sandwiches were disregarded. The eye, but a moment before so bright and sparkling, was cast with a heavy gaze of envy on the receding piers,
thronged with vivacious ladies, gentlemen, soldiers, douaniers, and fisher- men, waving their adieux to their friends; National Guards fixed their shakoes fiercely on their heads, and regarded the mere mer with a stern and menacing countenance while others turned their heads away from the per- nicious element altogether, and the ladies prepared for the terrible catas- trophe which they felt to be inevitable by the most favourable arrangement of their shawls and bonnets. It speedily came indeed. A few heaves more and the work was done. Smothered ejaculations, agonizing appeals to Mon Dieu!' began to break forth from the agitated mass, till one great cry of suffering humanity rose from that unhappy vessel. There was no escaping the consequences. Go where you would, into the most secret corner of the ship, there you would find a Frenchman in the most exaggerated attitude of despair, who had just breath enough to inform you of his intention to perish on the spot.. . . .
"Let Sir Charles Napier talk as he will, a French military invasion of England is impossible ! Their formidable steamers may disgorge their armed
masses on our shores, but a few divisions of police could easily cart them
away, into the interior. No one more admires the intrepid bravery and high spirit of the French soldier than myself; but, assuming that he is similarly
constituted in stomach with his compatriots who have not been to sea, I as- sert that a voyage of a few hours would leave him an assured and easy prey
to the most insignificant of enemies Our soldiers have a decided su- periority in this masa at all events, and regiments that have crossed the line are not easily sickened, and come to land as fresh as they started. "The roads of Cherbourg, as all the yachting world knows, are formed, or at all events perfected, by a very splendid artificial breakwater, called La Digue, commenced by Louis the Fourteenth, and completed by the prudent
energies of Louis Philippe. This great work was earned on for many years with but partial success ; and even the force and resources of Napoleon failed to bring it to a termination. It is built in the open sea, between the pro- jecting masses of land which enclose the space in which the harbour is placed, and exceeds the Plymouth breakwater in depth, breadth, and length. It is strongly defended, not only by the guns on the heights and the bat-
teries on the projecting capes,but by a strong fort built in the centre of the work itself, which crosses fire with the forts of the town. Inside this digue
the French fleet are lying in two divisions ; the first of sailing-vessels the second of steamers. The men-of-war, nine in number, are drawn up in two lines; behind them again are the steamers, as wall-sided and square-sternal as one could well desire; and around them and up to the town-harbour some seventy or eighty yachts belonging to the Royal squadron, Royal Western, Royal Victoria, Thames. As we were coming in, some twenty or thirty of the schooners and cutters were returning with a light breeze from a cruise
outside into harbour, and gave an air of the greatest liveliness to the scene. One by one, in passing under the stern of the Valmy,. 120, bearing the flag of Admiral Parceval Desehenes, they lowered their ensigns, and the towering man-of-war courteously and graciously acknowledged the compliment in a similar manner, while the strains of God save the Queen,' beautifully ren- dered by the band, rose from the poop of a French line-of-battle ship. '
_ It had been arranged that the President of the Republic, who was to leave Caen at ten o'clock on Thursday morning, should make his entry into Cherbourg at five in the afternoon. Accordingly, at four o'clock,
the Maritime Prefect, accompanied by the whole of the civil and military authorities, proceeded to the boundaries of the arrondissement to receive the President. At the same finie, the National Guards of the place' and
a large body of troops both cavalry and infantry, were called out to form a guard of honour on his passage through the town; the whole of the ships
in the harbour' including the English yachts, were decked out with in-
numerable flags of every variety of description and colour ; the country- people, dressed in the picturesque costume of the district, gathered in thousands along the streets and quays through which the procession was to pass ; and the windows of every house were crowded with gaily-dressed ladies. But delays at Bayeux and Valonges prevented his arrival till a far later hour; and disappointment gave a sombre character to the recep-
tion. At six o'clock it was evident that the President was growing un- popular; at seven he was detestable at eight the people were ripe for a
fresh restoration on the spot. But at half-past eight a flash of fire from a gun on the dark heights and a loud report awakened the spirits of the spectators ; and in a few minutes the cavalcade showed its front. A few Gendarmerie passed through the lines of soldiery at a sling, trot; then came a squadron of the First Dragoons, fine-looking fellows with bear- skin helmets and leopard-skin mountings, red-faced coats, and red panta- loons of preposterous dimensions- and at last the President, preceded by a mounted linkman, appeared in an open carriage, attended by the Ministers and followed by canines with his suite, as well as by an escort, some few
ealeches, and a considerable number of the Municipality and of rural
Mayors. He was but coldly received. On every side were heard short calm sentences of Vive la Republique I' uttered just as one would say the words in a loud tone of voice, half in anger; but only from some few peasants did
I hear the cry of 'V,v,, Napoleon!' or ' Vive le President d cerMinly quite impossible to see the President in the dark ; and he drove on to the Prefecture, where he dined with the Prefect, and with several gentlemen in- vited to meet him. The troops did not cheer much, and, so far as I could judge, only for the Republic. A few houses were illuminated on his arrival, and some public demonstrations of a similar kind were attempted on a small scale ; but the vessels in the roads were lighted up with a capital effect, and lamps were placed on the digue, which looked exceedingly well in the dis- tance."
Friday was devoted to reviews and banquets on the land. At eleven in the morning, the President had a special reception of all the English officers present in the town. This ceremony was a notable one from the character and numbers of the guests received. The Admiralty steamer the Lightning had arrived on Wednesday, bearing on board Admirals Sir Thomas Cochrane, Sir John Ommaney, Sir Charles Napier, Captain W. N. Hall, and Captain Seymour. The Fire Queen brought over Captain Chads of the gunnery-ship Excellent, and all the officers of the Naval College ; the Portsmouth yacht brought over Commander Eden and alms, with Mrs. Baring ; and the Fanny tender conveyed Commander Ogle and others. It was expected that the Admiralty yacht the Black Eagle, which was then at Jersey with the Lords of the Admiralty on a tour of in- spection, would also be present, and compliment the President by the attendance of an official department ; but an act so marked was not ven- tured on : the yacht came off the port on Friday, but did not anchor ; however, the name of Admiral Berkeley is among those of the officers re- ceived by the President. Mr. Turnbull, the English Consul at Avranches, introduced the host of English officers, who numbered at least a hundred and fifty ; the Earl of Wilton and the Earl of Cardigan, old friends of the President, engaged his personal attention. Soon after noon, there was a review of about five thousand troops and National Guards. The President was received " very quietly "; the soldiers raised a few cries for the Presi- dent, the National Guards a few cries for the Republic ; political feeling was evidently merged in the interest of the naval reunion and spectacles. At three o'clock, a grand banquet was given by the Municipality to the President and his suite, the Admirals, Captains, and Lieutenants of the ships in the harbour, the Commodore and Vice-Commodores of the five principal yacht clubs, the owners of nine leading yachts, Admirals Sir Thomas Cochrane and Sir Charles Napier, and Captain Hall of the Light- ning steamer. The Mayor of Cherbourg presided. After dinner, he pro- posed the health of the President, with historic reminiscences, flattering to his ancestral feelings, and with hints that Cherbourg, as the advanced naval sentinel of the empire, is worthy of more active patronage than it has received under the Republic. Louis Napoleon replied—
"Gentlemen, the more I travel over France the more I perceive what its people expect from the Government. There is not a department, a city, a town, a hamlet I visit, that the Mayors, the Councils-General, and even the Representatives of the People do not demand of me—here, means of commu-
nication, such as canals and People, there' the completion of works already begun; in a word, on all sides, measures to relieve the distress of agriculture and to impart new life to industry and commerce. Nothing is more natural or more praiseworthy than the manifestation of such wishes. They do not, believe me, fall on an inattentive ear. But I too may be permitted to observe, that these results, so much desired, so much wanted as they are, cannot be effected unless you afford me the-means of accomplishing them ; and those means are to be found in your cooperation in fortifying authority and in guarding against dangers of the future. How did it happen that the Em- peror, in spite of war, was able to cover all France with imperishable works that are found at every step, and are nowhere found so remarkable and so great as here ? It is that, independently of his genius, he lived at a period when the nation, exhausted by revolution, gave him the necessary power to crush anarchy, repress faction, and secure the triumph by glory abroad, at home by a vigorous impulse of the general interests of the country. If, then, there be in all France a city that ought to be Napoleonien and conservative, that city is Cherbourg ; Napoleomen through gratitude, conservative in its wise appreciation of its true interests. What, in fact and truth, is a port, created as is yours by such gigantic efforts, but the striking and convincing testimony of French unity followed up through so many ages and revolutions—a unity which makes you a great nation ? But do not forget that a great nation can never maintain itself at the height of its des- • tinies except when its institutions are in accordance with the exigencies of its political situation and its material interests. The people of lionnandy know how to appreciate such sentiment's, and they have given a proof of it."
He then himself proposed a toast— "In presence of that sea which we have dominated; in presence of that fleet which has so nobly carried the flag of France in the East, and which is ready to carry it with glory wherever the national glory may require its ser- vices; in presence of these foreigners, today our guests, who may convince themselves today that if we wish for peace it is not because we are weak, but by that community of interests, and by those sentiments of mutual esteem which unite together the two most civilized nations--"To the Port of Cherbourg."
The toast was drunk with rapture, and the compliment to the English was hailed with evident satisfaction. In the evening there was a ball, which was crowded to excess.
Saturday was the day of naval celebrations. As we approach the shore, we may again glance around at the varied and picturesque multitude, which the rural districts had contributed enormously to swell.
"I was soon lost," says the writer, "amid those extraordinary women who seem to cling with a desperate fidelity to the costtune of the time of the Con- quest. The pencils of Front and others, and railways and steamers, have
made most of us acquainted with those wonderful combinations of starch, muslin, and lace, which adorn their heads : but, after all, the head-dress
soon loses its novelty, and, being placed very often on heads with no other claims to attention, becomes merely monstrous. With their short waists, abundant petticoats, and huge caps rising like whitewashed helmets into the air for a couple of feet or so, and flying off into great flappers behind, it can only be supposed that the women have adopted an attire invented by some ancient entomologist when labouring under a severe nightmare, in which gigantic dragon-flies and moths were taking a prominent part. All the po-
pulation and all the strangers were crowded on the piers, and packed so thickly you could scarcely let a pin fall between them, though those said
piers take a good long stretch out into the salt-water. The drums, rattled away in every street, beating the assemblee of the National Guards, and the trumpet-blast calling to horse sounded incessantly through the sir, summoning big lumbering dragoons from the comforts of their early cup of
coffee and petit verre of Cognac, whilst bayonets glistened brightly above the heads of the multitude, or the infantry wheeled about to their different
quarters, apparently quite indifferent whether they forced the unoffending citizens into the tide or not. But, fierce as these gentlemen look in their chow tufted shakoes, scarlet pantaloons red epaulettes, and hairy faces, a
and with the-aception-Of the gendarmerie, who cannot easily get over the bullying habits and the roughness of old soldiers, there is but one opinion among the strangers here as to the courtesy and politeness of all grades of the military. The sailors seem to think our Eughsh bluntness is desirable,
but it does not sit well on Frenchmen ; and though the officers are very civil, and take a great pride in showing their ships, they are scarcely such favourites as the soldiery. Not the least interesting incident of the day was the appearance in the streets of some old soldiers of the Empire, who had put on their long-neglected uniforms in order to be presented to the Presi- dent. One v'eteran of the Imperial Guard was a model study for a painter— a genuine vienx moustache, who, saved from the bloody fields of .1.usterlitz, Jena, and Wagram, from the snows of Pisani, and from the fatal sabres nf Waterloo, had emerged from his quiet home to gaze on the nephew of his adored loader. Tall, orett, and firm, the fine old fellow passed one in his cocked hat, his eloso-buttoned coat decorated with a well-won cross of the Legion, white knee-breeches and black gaiters, the type of a race that has nearly passed away ; while the crowd let him pass as if he were a king." A regatta having been rowed,—in which the sport appeared to English eyes but indifferent, the rowing being no more than "very good "—the world prepared for the great event, the President's vi8it to the fleet. Some hours were spent in expectation, the preliminary inspection of the dockyards being long.
"On the slopes of the batteries might be seen groups of artillerymen standing motionless by their guns. Coicstward a compact assemblage of hu- man beings swarmed to the water's edge, and away towards Old England sparkled the fresh sea in the sunshine. As the clock struck one, a splendid galley shot out into the harbour from the dockyard. On the instant all the volcanic energies of the world seemed let loose. Forts, ships, and batteries, burst into terrific life, and belched forth volumes of bright tame, dense-roll- ing smoke and crashing sound. The very air and water trembled ; the decks of stout 'Lamers shook under the feet like aspens. Commencing with the lower-deck tiers, and firing each gun at the interval of half a second,—almost as quick, indeed, as a rolling fire of nuisketry,—line-of-battle ships, frigates, and steamers fired every gun they carried, charged well home, in a thunder- ing salvo. The President, it appears, is entitled to a salute of a hundred- and-one guns;—in economic England we give our Queen a salute of twenty- one, and our excellent Reformers count every grain of extra powder. Just imagine the awful thunder ! A whole fleet vomiting out, from deck to deck, its entire broadside, almost as hard as the guns could fire, and powerful forts, perched on hill-sides, projecting capes, or crouched on low-Wing shores, smashing away from their embrasures till the view was obscured by a hear- ing mountain of white smoke. At last the deafening din ceased; and as 'the war-cloud' passed away, slowly drifting along in the gentle breeze, the topgallsmtmasts and upper yards of the men-of-war came into sight again by
• degrese, and at last the shrouds and dark hulls and the waiving ensegns loomed dimly through the lessening obscurity. The coup d'eeil was superb at this moment—the men-of-war, sternums, and yachts, manned yards, and strains of music rose on all sides. In the state barge,—a very handsome boat, painted white and blue, with gold mouldings, beautifully-decorated stern and prow, and raised scroll figurehead,—was seated the President of the Re- public, under a canopy of purple cloth, in advance of which waived the tri- colour from a lofty deg-staff; lx side him were seated several officers and gen- tlemen, among them the Earlef Wilton. A captain stood up by the steersman to con the barge ; which swept on with a proud, slow stroke, impelled by twenty-four well-handled oars, till she gained the side of the Friedlinid—flag, Admiral Deschimes-120. Though they manage some things better in France than with us, the manning of yards is certainly not one of them. In several instances the men laid out very irregularly, and, instead of manning the topgallantyards, they stood at the cross-trees, which looked very badly."
The correspondent of the Morning Chronicle is more circumstantial here. "' They did not, in the estimation of the English, perform this evolution so well as they had been led to expect ; sails being furled in three minutes, but no reefs taken in ; whereas the Prince Regent (90) would have performed the evolution from a minute and a half to two minutes, with two reefs taken
From the Friedland the Pi es'clent proceeded to the Valmy, 144, (flag, Admiral Dubourilieu,) and thence to the other men-of-war. As he left and reached each ship, the yards were manned, and the men cheered three times. The time wore away slowly, as the President inspected every vessel very minutely ; and it was past five o'clock before he reached the Minerve, 60, which is the French gunnery-ship. Here the guns were cast loose, and seine practice took place at targets moored about five hundred yards off in the sea, both shell and ball ; but, so far as could be seen, they did nothing which the Excellent need be at all afraid of. "Only one of the targets was destroyed," says the Horning Chronicle. After he had left the Minerve, the President proceeded on board the Xarifa schooner, Lord Wilton's yacht; and, having staid for some minutes below, embarked, under manned yards, and paid a visit to the Enchantress, the Earl of Cardigan ; where he also remained for a short period. As soon as it was evident the visit to the fleet was over, and that he was returning on shore, .the vessels repeated the full salute; the effect of which was, if possible, in- creased by repetition, while the regularity of the firing was even greater than before : the Xarifa also fired a salute in very good style.
In the course of this day was repeated a beautiful display by the yachts which the President's late arrival on Thursday prevented him from wit- nessing. A squadron of thirty of the largest yachts was formed into two lines under the Commodore of the Royal Yacht squadron, the Earl of Wilton, and its Vice-Commodore, Mr. Talbot, M.P. ; and it sailed out of -the roads for a cruise round the digue. The vessels swept along, each with bated or hastened speed so as exactly to preserve its place with re- lation to all the rest ; the whole body tacking, reaching, and swelling along, with the simultaneous movements of a flight of birds in the air. 'Their manoeuvres beyand all others engrossed the attention of the French. 'The citizens and peasants marvelled agape at the exhibition of such pro- fessional skill by the landsmen owners of the craft; the sailors openly expressed their admiration—the captain of the Jemappes exclaiming aloud, that the manteuvre was " auperbe et hes delicieuse !" Disembarking at the dockyard, the President dined with the Ministers at the Admiralty Prefecture. The leading English officers dined with the French Admiral Dubourdieu, on board the .Valmy. In the evening, a ball was given in a spacious hall outside the arsenal; at least five thou- sand persons were present. It was "a frightful scene of smother and dancing under difficulties." Sir Charles Napier was lionized by universal pursuit, the gaze of all eyes.
The really busy day on board the French squadron was on Sunday : but, whether from a regard to the national character, or to a favourable wind, it so happened that very few of the English yachts remained for the spectacle ; and Lord Wilton and Lord Cardigan having had appoint- ments in England which obliged them to go on Saturday night or early on Sunday morning, the Xarifa and Enchantress weighed, and were speedily followed by the large majority of the vessels of the Royal squad- ron and other squadrons present. At pine, the President went on board the Friedland (120) ;. but no salute was fired, as it was understood that he was merely going on. hoard to attendligi mass. It may be stated in
passing, that there are pryers morning and evening on board every ship
harbour. He was received by the Admiral and officers at the side, and, conducted to the deck ; where high mass was performed with the pomp and ceremony of the Romish church. At the elevation of the host the flags were all lowered, and the Friedhuid fired her lower-deck guns at intervals of a second; which gave a very imposing character to the scene. A number of Engrish officers repaired to the Fnedland at one o'clock, specially invited by the President to witness the evolutions and firing practice.
" The first signal from the Admiral was to let fall loose sails and bowlines. It appeared that the men took rather a long time in getting up the rigging to the yards; but the rattlins on board the French man-of-war are not so commodiously arranged for this purpose as with us. In leas than two mi- nutes the whole fleet was a crowd of sail hanging loosely from the yards ; the Jemmappes, 100, having executed the manceuvre in 1 minute 30 seconds, and the others in a few seconds less. This may be said to have been done very smartly. The next signal was to ' furl' from bowlines, &c. ; and here the Inflexible, 100, soon began to establish her character as the coq de reseadre by beating the other vessels by a few seconds—the whole time oc- cupied in the operation being 1 minute 58 seconds. Some similar exercises; were performed with great smartness : but it must be understood that the squadron was at anchor all the time ; though they were riding head to wind, - which increased the difficulty of some of them, though it was now blowing freshly. Soon after two o'clock, the ships began to obey the signal Clear for action ' ; which they did with great celerity, but with a good deal of- noise also. Indeed, the talking when laying out on the yards and from the tops was rather too great ; though every one knows that it is impossible to prevent it altogether, even in our service, where the rules on such points are very strict. The drums beat to quarters, the fire-bucket-lanyards were rove, and the buckets slung ; the tops were crowded with the armed sailors, pro- Meted by tarpaulings triced up around them, and the guns were all run out from the ports ; the whole being done in a smart sailorlike manner, but not with unusual quickness. In another instant the whole fleet opened a most tremendous (although it was a blank) fire, which was remarkable for regularity and rapidity. It was of the character technically called general firing by divisions' ; and it certainly showed the French sailors to be expert gunners. Their manner of serving the powder from the magazines is particularly safe and expeditious, but it would be impossible to explain it without a diagram. The musketry from the tops was not so good as might have been expected : as a sight it was magnificent. The broadsides, now crashing altogether till the very earth shook, and now sinking to single reports, swelled and fell away again and again ; while the smoke settling down densely over the fleet gave a landsman to understand the great difficulty which its thick masses must offer to the successful carrying out of manoeuvres in a naval engagement. The breeze fled from the place altogether; it literally was extinguished by the repeated concussions. At last, after an immense expenditure of gun- powder, the firing concluded. In a few moments the signal was given to man the boats, which pushed off in divisions to represent an attack on the steamer Descartes. This was a beautiful part of the evolutions. Upwards of fifty-five boats, with heavy guns (32-pound carronades generally) in the bow, filled with small-arm men, officers, and sailors, pushed out in excellent order, after preparing for nearly half an hour for the attack. For some time they advanced towards the steamer with great regularity ; the bow guns being fired with quickness, and the musketry spattering away from every boat in a continuous roll, so that the advance soon became obscured by the- smoke. Meantime the Descartes replied by repeated discharges of her heavy guns, and by a continuous rattleof small-arms frointops, bulwarks, and pad.' dle-box platform. After the boats had pulled for about six hundred yards,. their progress became irregular and unsteady; the firing became broken, the, order somewhat confused: but every officer of experience knows it to be very difficult to manage such -very extensive operations, without great practice, in boats not accustomed to work together. I saw some of the men, the caps on whose fireloeks missed, qtfietly putting their pieces into the boat, sitting down on them, and then takmg up an oar to join in the pulling. The shouting and talking in the boats was very great, and the signals from the Admiral. did not appear to be plainly discernible to the boats, till the recall was hoisted and the boats pulled away from the victorious steamer."
The evolutions concluded at about five o'clock. Sir Thomas Cochrane, Sir Charles Napier, Captains Chads, Mundy, Jones, Seymour, and Hall; and Sir George Lyons then dined with the President on board the Fried- land. After dinner, the Admiral Desehenes proposed "the health of the President," in a civil speech. The President, in his short reply, ob- served, with respect to the French navy, that if it had not always been crowned with laurels, its cypress was still full of honour. It is remarked that "there was no enthusiasm in his reception by the officers."
Cherbourg was left behind on Monday morning ; and the tour home- ward is very briefly described by the journals. Valonges offered the President a more cordial reception on his return than it accorded on his first passing through towards Cherbourg,"—the first notice, in the rose- colour accounts, that the first reception had been cool. At Carentan he was received well; at St. LC) "the manifestation was enthusiastic and universal." The President skirted the whole Eastern coast of the bay of St. Mak' staying at Coutances and Avmnehes • and then struok Eastward through the department of the Ome towards Paris by way of Argentan ; the authorities and people everywhere hailing him cordially.
The Paris papers dwell much on the exhibition of renewed good-will between the Bourbon and Orleans branches of the deposed Royal Family.. On receiving the news of Louis Philippe's death, the Count de Chambord ordered a mass to be celebrated at Wiesbaden and otherwise testified Ids sympathy with the bereaved family : this tender courtesy produced affec- tionate acknowledgments, and the interchange of kind sentiments has suggested that deeper political motives may possibly have a share in prompting such approaches. Messrs. Guizot, Duchatel, Damon, and Salvandy, and the Duke of Montebello, have just returned to Paris from a sympathising visit to Claremont. Apropos to their return, a correspond- ent of the Times gives details of what passed between the two families, and adds hopeful speculations— "M. Guizot, M. Duchatel, the Duke de Montebello and M. Damon, have not only paid a visit to Claremont, but also to Richmond. The former Mk- nisters of King Louis Philippe were anxious, on that serious and melan- choly occasion, to offer the expression of their sympathy and their profound respect, not alone to Queen Amelie, the widow of the King, and such of her children as are with her at Claremont, but also to the illustrious widow of the Duke of Orleans and her children. It would be superfluous to say that these gentlemen were received both at Richmond and Claremont in the most gracious manner, and earnestly thanked for this new proof of devotedness and affectionate respect. "So far as relates to M. de Salvandy, it was already known that he had proceeded to Wiesbaden towards the end of last month, like marry others, to present his respects to the Count de Chambord. After this visit to the Count, M. de Salvandy went to Baden, intending to return to Franco by Strasbourg. The intelligence of the death of Louis Philippe reached him at Baden, as sdso the funeral service which the Count de Chambord had caused to be per- formed on that occasion. M. de Salvandy at once returned to Wiesbaden for the purpose of thanking the Count de Chambord for an act which did him so much honour. The Count de Chambord, availing himself of M. de Sal- vandy's return, requested him to proceed to Claremont, and to mention in hia name to the widowed Queen the feeling which had prompted him to that act of pious reverence in the church on the occasion of the death of the Count de Neuilly' an act at which not only he himself with all his house- hold assisted in deep mourning, but to which, also, he had invited all the French who were at that moment at Wiesbaden. The Count also prayed
de Salvandy to communicate to the Queen Amelie the expression of Ina sym- pathy and his respect. M. de Salvandy proceeded to Claremont, and ful- filled the mission intrusted to him. lie was received by the Queen, the Princes, and Princesses, who expressed themselves as deeply sensible of the kind expressions of which M. de Salvandy was the organ ; and all prayed him to return to their illustrious relative, and assure bin', in their names, how touched they were at his noble conduct, and what grateful sentiments were inspired by it Id. de Salvandy, charged with this new mission, has- tened to perform it, and set out at once for Frohsdort ; where, in all proba- bility, he will find the Count de Chambord.
"It is impossible not to applaud this interchange of courtesies between the two branches of the illustrious house of Bourbon. Under such circumstances, there would appear reason to hope that advances commenced on the as yet scarcely closed tomb of the late King will meet with no impediment, and that they will before long terminate in a complete reconciliation comprising all sentiments and all interests. Such an event would be undoubtedly of much importance, and, by putting an end to a rivalry between the houses, would tend to the reestablishment of order in France. In the opinion of men of judgment, any other solution would appear a frail expedient, and would give to the country no security for the present nor stability for the future. Eu- rope has the greatest interest in France founding a regular and solid govern- ment, as the guarantee of order and of peace; and there can be little doubt that the following up of the first advances so generously commenced by the Count de Chambord, and so nobly accepted by his aunt and cousins, will be before long brought to a happy termination."
The more overt policy of the Legitimists, and the more lively tone of their anticipations give a special weight to the minatory allusions re- peated in the speeches of President Bonaparte.
GERMANY.—The stagnation of German politics is terminated somewhat abruptly by a movement in Hesse-Cassel, which may have a wide and powerful disturbing influence. The reactionary Cabinet, at variance with the Parliament, has gone to the headlong extremity of proclaiming the whole electorate in a state of siege, and investing the Commander-in- -chief with dictatorial powers against the press, personal liberty, and pro- perty. In Cassel the Hessian Gazette has been suppressed, and a number of arrests have been made. The Town-Council had unanimously pro- tested against the state of siege and the Commander-in-chiefs arbitrary acts ; and similar expressions of feeling were being promptly made throughout the electorate.
To render the crisis more intelligible, we adopt the resume of its ante- cedents, opportunely. supplied by the _Daily News—
The dominions of Hesse-Cassel interpose between the different portions of the Prussian monarchy When 184d came with its uproar and its universal uprisings, the Hessians remained tranquil. They had remodelled their constitution in 1831 and by no means in a democratic spirit, there being a double and even triple System of election and a Chamber in which landed property and civic wealth had due preponderance. But recently, fol- lowing Austrian advice, the Elector appointed as his Prime Minister the re- trograde Hassenptlug. By an article of the constitution, the Parliament has the exclusive right of voting taxes. " Hassenpflug, however, declined or -delayed to call them together, until the time generally destined the close of the session. The Ministers immediately put before them a demand for money, and for the liberty to raise the taxes for 1850. The Parliament re- plied, [by an unanimous vote,] that however little the Ministers possessed the confidence of Parliament, they would not go the length of refusing the supplies, but requested to have a regular budget laid before them, which they promised to examine, dismal, and vote. To so fair and constitutional a resolution the Minister replied by dissolving the Parliament; and he is now proceeding to levy the taxes m spite of the Parliament and the con-
stitution Not only all the people and all the citizens, but all his functionaries are against the Ebector ; and his entire army, officers and men, avow that their oath of allegiance was taken to the constitution as mach as to the Elector."
"The King of Prussia has, we understand, already signified to the Elector of Hesse, that if he should quarrel with his subjects in consequence of his violating the constitution, he is to expect no help from Prussia. Should Ba- varian troops enter the electorate, the Hessians themselves will beat them. But should an Austrian corps advance to occupy any portion of North Ger- many, a Prussian corps of equal magnitude will most certainly enter the province or the kingdom, whatever it is, from the other aide."
Cara 07 GOOD HOPE.—A letter from the island of St Helena, dated the 29th July, communicates the occurrence of a disastrous gale off the Cape of Good Hope. .A, number of vessels had foundered with their crews, and many more had been cast ashore and wrecked. The British Settler was "lost—all hands drowned : the captain had his wife and family on board" : the French ship L'Aigle "drove on shore, previously tamasted ; the captain, seven hands and a passenger (the Governor of Manila) drowned": the Queen of the West lost ; all hands seemed to have perished, a small desk washed up showing the captain's name," &c. : the Arab, the Prince Charlie, and the Royal Albert, all lost, at Table Bay. An American vessel "seen totally dismasted, and signalling dis- tress ; not since seen, and supposed to have gone down with all on board." The Asiatic was driven into Algoa Bay, with five feet of water in the hold ; "one lad washed overboard, and all the crew maimed with broken legs or arms, or completely exhausted • she went on shore, and became a total wreck—crew saved." The Grindley, the Dutchesa of Buceleuch, and other vessels "too many to ems uunite," had foundered or been wrecked; but their crews had been saved. The coast was "strewed with wreck and goods, the latter chiefly of Eastern production, such as cotton and indigo."
This calamitous news was brought to St. Helena by the captain of the schooner Bailey, who arrived there on the morning of the 29th July, di- rect from Table Bay ; but particulars of dates are omitted.
Usrron SrArns.—The intelligence from the United States is brought down to the 30th August. Advices from Texas to the 12th August communicate the balancing facts, that the authorities were full of anger at the firm language held by
the President on the subject of the Mexican boundary, while the citiaens generally were well satisfied with the legislative solution which the Senate had made of the question. Governor Bell energetically protested against what he called "the unwarrantable assumption of power by the Federal Executive," and called for authority to raise supplies for two mounted regiments to occupy Santa Fe. His strenuousness excited more amusement than uneasiness at Washington.
The passing of the Fugitive Slave Bill by the Senate is the alleged
cause of a new modification of President F. s first Cabinet : Mr. M`liennan had resigned the Ministry of the Interior. Under the Fugi- tive Slave Bill it is important that the United States Marshal should be an officer pledged to execute its provisions according to their spirit, and untinctured with Abolitionism. Mr. Webster is said to have come to some understanding with the South on the point, and to have demanded the power and responsibility of supervising this officer's duties, which have lately been removed from the control of his department and placed under that of the Home Minister. It is said that his demand is conceded, and hence the retirement of Mr. M'Kennan. The agitation of the Slave ques- tions has raised much excitement, and the talk of Nollific ition is renewed with earnestness in the South. A late meeting of Abolitionists at Case- novia, presided over by Frederick Douglass, the free Negro, resolved to put up as the next Abolitionist candidate for the Presidency, Chaplin, who is now in prison for abduction of slaves.
At a meeting of the New York Committee for forwarding the Show of Industry in London, it was resolved, "That the Chairman of the Com- mittee be requested to correspond with the Regents of the University of this State, who have under their charge the Cabinet of Natural History of the State, and request of them to furnish for the Exhibition a cabinet of minerals representing the geological mineral character of our State."
Professor Webster was hanged at Boston on the 30th August, for the murder of Professor Parkman.