On the 5th inst., at Widtkirk, Leeds, the lion. Mrs.
Edward Wand, of a. daughter. On the 6tikinst., at 13, Belgrave-square, the Lady Isabella Stewart, of a son. MARRIAGES.
On the 5th inst, at the Church of Our Lady, Grove-road, by the Very Rev. Canon O'Neal, assisted by the Rev. C. Locke, George Herbert, of the Middle Temple, Eaq., barrister-at-law, to Constantia, only daughter of the late Sir Charles Witham, of Ingham, Suffolk. On the 11th inst., at Barton-under-Need wood, the Rev. William Douglas, M.A., son of Gen. Sir James Douglas, G.C.B., to Emily, eldest daughter of the late John Wilton, of Barton-under-Needwood, in the county of Stafford, Esq. DEATHS.
On the 26th July, at Simla, Colonel Sir George Robert Barker, K.C.B., Brigadier commanding the Royal Artillery in Bengal, in his 44th year.
On the 4th Aug., of yellow fever, st Nassau, New Providence Island, Charles Jamek Chisolme St. Clair, second son of the lion. Captain St. Clair, R.N., aged 17.