14 SEPTEMBER 1861, page 18

Rrttrr To T4r &tar.

THE REV. JOHN GRAHAMS POEMS. St. John's-wood, Sept. 12, 1861. Sin.,—Having had my attention directed to the review of my Poems : Sacred, .Didactive, and Descriptive, in the......

5iat 3rts.

THE ART OF " PUNCH." (Finsr NOTICE.] CARICATURE, in common with most other things, has undergone a marked change since the days of the Regency. There is as much difference......


Tax Hereford Musical Festival, or the " Meeting of the Three Choirs," as it is commonly called, has been held this week. In a merely musical point of view it does not call for......

A Word About Bruges.

F OR some reason the English tourists who are now swarming over Belgium have a habit of avoiding the ancient city of Bruges. There is a prejudice against the place as a......