(By Telegram through Hr. Reuter's Office.) HUNGARY.
PEST11, Sept. 13. IT is asserted that the visit of the Cardinal Primate of Hun&ary to Vienna will result in the early convocation of the Hungarian Diet on the same electoral basis as hitherto. The Government, it is said, will take the diploma of October last as the basis of future negotiations with Hungary.
Pews Sept- 13.
The Moniteur, in its bulletin of to-day, in contradiction to the asser- tions of the Vienna journals, affirms that no extraordinary credit has been opened for naval armaments and the building of ships, which it says are this year continued on the usual scale, and within the limits of the normal budget. The Moniteur also publishes the usual monthly return of the Bank of France, which shows the following results as compared with the August return :
Cash in hand . . . . 9 Millions.
Bills discounted not yet due . 41 1-6
Bank notes
Treasury balance . 16 1-6
Current accounts . 36 1-3
Advances 4-5