14 SEPTEMBER 1929, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sm,—Some time ago you published an article on the use of producer gas in tractors and cited certain tests made over some considerable period. I have looked for further news about the use of such a cheap fuel, but only to be disappointed. I understand the matter has been investigated by the Federal Authorities here in Australia and has proved itself beyond all doubt.

The question arises, then, Why is there no suitable plant offering for attaching to motor trucks and tractors ? Is the vested interests of the oil companies sufficient to prevent it being placed on the market ? Here in Western Australia we have some of the finest charcoal in the world—Mulga--of a very high calorific value. We need cheap fuel to reduce the costs of wheat production. Why not utilize producer gas ? It would be interesting to hear what other readers of the Spectator have to say.

I have a 2,500-acre block of land which I am endeavouring to bring under cultivation, hence a personal interest. Please let me thank you for the very fine articles appearing from time to time in the Spectator. I derive great pleasure from it and look forward to its arrival each week, and after reading it pass it on to a friend who again passes it on.—I am, Sir, &c., (Rev.) JOSEPH W. BUDGE. (Rector of Southern Cross.) Hill Grove, Nulla Nulla, Via Noongaar, W. Australia.