14 SEPTEMBER 1929, page 15

Fascist Italy [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] 'sue—mr....

E. Goad does not yet believe that my wife " was ever arrested," I surmise he will never believe what the Fascist Government forbids its flatterers to believe. I declare myself......

Galileo—and Bishop Barnes [to The Editor Of The...

hold no brief for the Roman Church in its mediaeval handling of scientific questions, still less in its modern claim to infallibility ; but as your correspondent " Bystander "......

The Free Churches [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

SIn,—The statement in the letter of the Secretary of the o " Liberatin Society . " in your issue of August 24th, that the Church of England could secure " complete "......

Mrs. T. H. Green—an Appreciation

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The death of Mrs. T. H. Green, though at the age of eighty-seven, will make a gap in the lives of many who, charmed by the freshness of......