General Knowledge Questions
OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Miss M. Steel, 8 Church Street, Chelsea, for the following :- Questions on Idiosyncrasies of Historical Characters I. Who refused ever to wear his hat in the House of Commons ?
2. What French King had a mania for clocks and watches ?
3. What German Sovereign would have only men of over 6 feet high in his bodyguard ? 4. What famous English statesman wore white kid gloves with his rings outside them ? 5. What famous English statesman always used blue hair powder? 6. What famous English statesman found it helped conversation to " play with a sofa cushion or to toy with a feather " ? 7. Who was the French leader who demolished a pyramid of oranges at each meal ?
8. Who was the Admiral who kept his coffin in his cabin ?
• 9. What Victorian poet wrote always by the light of three candles, accurately placed ?
10. Who was the novelist who annoyed his publishers by using bright blue ink on blue paper ? 11. Which ROMall Dictator was so sensitive of his baldness that he always wore a wreath ?
12. And what Emperor was so sensitive to cold that he wore besides his toga, four shirts, two singlets and a woollen chest protector ? 13. What famous General slept with the " Iliad " under his pillow with his sword ?
Answers will be found on page v.