14 SEPTEMBER 1929, Page 29

Messrs. Black issue at five shillings a reprint of Professor

Bait's The Making of Scotland, which contains " new matter." The addition takes note of the union of the Presbyterian Churches in Scotland, but it takes no note of the alarming invasion of the West by an Irish-Catholic proletariat-an invasion which, if it continues on the present lines, may go far towards the unmaking of Scotland. The Historiographer Royal for Scotland should really not permit his publishers' office-boy to index his books for him ; one cannot believe that the index-ineptitudes recorded against the names of Ireland, George III., and Walpole had any other origin. The battle of Falkirk (p. 300) is not indexed at all, but perhaps the office- boy was then called away to his regular duties. And was not 1685, not 1684 (p. 273), the year in which the two Wigtown women martyrs were judicially drowned ?