THE outstanding record not only of this month but of months past is undoubtedly that of Verdi's Requiem recorded in the Opera House, Rome, by the orchestra and chorus of the Royal Opera House under Tullio Serafini with a star cast of soloists consisting of Caniglia, Stignani, Gigli and Pinza (H.M.V. DB8984-8992). This is a most worthy recording of a great work and it will be indispensable to all music lovers for there are few singers living who can do justice to this music and they are mostly assembled here. Verdi's Requiem is one of its composer's masterpieces, and it is conceived in the dramatic style to which Italian singers are peculiarly qualified to do justice. This is a magnificent recording worthy of the great music and of the fine musicians who take part in it. The balance between orchestra and voices, so often at fault, is here excellent. A work of genius, and singing as we very rarely hear it.
Next in importance comes a good recording of Mozart's Quintet, for horn, violin, two violas and 'cello, in E flat (K4o7) by Denis Brain and the Griller Quartet (Decca Kt138-9) in which Mr. Brain's admir- able horn-playing deserves a special word of praise. The same com- pany also releases a good performance of Weber's Invitation to the Dance in Berlioz's arrangement played by the National Symphony Orchestra under Anatole Fistoulari (Decca Kt 108). Another record- ing I can recommend is that of Nicolai's Overture The Merry Wives of Windsor played by the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra under Maurice Miles (Col. DXt2ot). This overture is such a really brilliant and delightful composition that I am surprised nobody has found other compositions of Nicolai's to record. It is hard to believe such a gifted composer left only this one fine work, even although he died at 39. A new English composition with a distinct flavour of Rach- maninov is London Fantasia by Clive Richardson, played by the Columbia Light Symphony Orchestra under Charles Williams with the composer at the pianoforte (Col. DX1204). This work is a medley of "effects." Two attractive Round Dances La Rinks and Maxina are added to the series of Old Time Dances by Harry Davidson and his orchestra (Col. DX1202).
W. J. T.