Returned Finches This Week Little -flocks Of ....
- Of all our birds—have been Singularly busy - among some' thistles, many of them the fine hiennial thistle, growing at the roadside and near to it. These weeds are as good a......
• -- Country - Life
- -- 4 SOLDIER who had been away from England for five years called on ex-neighbours on his return and told me that at the home of each what struck him first was the height of......
Tree Enemies A Special Plea Has Been Made To The
afforesters to see to the destruction of the grey squirrel. It is averred that it is little good replanting the felled woods in regions where this squirrel prevails, as, for......
De Gaulle And Jouhaux
Si,-1s not much of the comment on General de Gaulle's attitude towards M. Jouhaux rather unfair to the General? It leaves out of account the attitude of M. Jouhaux after the......
Bees And Hornets
It seems to have astonished some gardeners that the bees have attacked the fruit as grerxlily as any wasps. The best of the local bee-keepers within my acquaintance has long......
In My Garden Before The War The Willow Garden Enjoyed
a certain vogue, and is ali very well in congenial sites ; but perhaps most gardeners might find it worth while to grow twe or three willows especially Vitellina Pendul:. Aurea,......
Unrra And Poland
SIR, —In his article on "The Pole and His Home" in last week's issue, Mr. Jozef Banasik says "other Continental countries have already received large Stipplies from UNRRA, while......
The Guns Of Singapore
was delighted to read in your last issue an article dispersing one myth about Singapore. Can you now, help to disperse another—that the guns at Singapore could only shoot in the......
The Attributes Of Scientists
Sta,—Reviewing That Hideous Strength, by C. S. Lewis, Mr. John Hampson refers to "the very attributes of scientists, which make for the common distrust of their activities."......
Italian Borderland
Sia,—Publication of the article entitled "Italian Borderland" in your issue of September 7th was a public service of a very high order. Those of us in this country and the......
The United Nations Charter
Sus,—The League of Nations Covenant was part of the Treaty of Versailles. By the Treaty of Peace Act, 1919, the Crown was given power to make such Orders in Council as might be......