" THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 340 IA Book Token for one
guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct 10,1■11011 of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, September 25th. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Sausions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
1. To mop up a ship it may be varied. (12.)
9. It doesn't really imply that Jack Ketch was a conjuror. (4, 5.) O. " Hold up to the sun my little
--" (Byron.) (5.) t. A small change for ruminants. (6.)
2. This is going a bit too far. (8.)
3. It's fixed finally, as here. (6.)
5. A girl divides the Piers. (8-)
8. Red weeks. (Anag.) (8.) 9. Writing after watering-places. (6.) 1. Song about the aftermath of a forest fire? (3, 5.)
3. The wine in which to celebrate the acquisition of a brief bag. (6.) 6. It may be found in an oratorio nicely executed. (5.)
7. I tend iron. (Anag.) (9.) IS Brain-waves, so to speak. (12.)
They were masters of arms. (7-) . A passing character. (5.)
. It's a score. (Anag.) (So.)
. A poet one might find empty. (4.) 5. State embodying another. (8.)
6. gradate in the extreme. (5.)
7. Ridden by magistrates? (7.) 8. They 6 in one sense of the word. (8.)
54. Unrestricted drawing. (8.) 16. Pints heal an abstainer. (9.) 17. "All women born are to -. No man need boast their love possess- ing." (Bridges.) (8.) rft. Not quite what one may gather by the Red Sea. (7.)
20. Minot characters in the Ring. (7.)
22. Frilling. (5,) 24. A cunning attempt in Ireland. (5.) 25. Rank somersault. (4.)