14 SEPTEMBER 1962, Page 13


SIR,-1 am surprised over a letter which I read in the Spectator of August 24 concerning Voluntary Service Overseas, and would like to point out one or two errors.

I returned a month ago from Ethiopia, where I served as a Volunteer for sixteen and a half months.

The letter of August 24 makes out that since the changeover of the staff in January, 1962, Voluntary Service Overseas has altered from a 'personal' service to a 'career' service; and also that personal corre- spondence from Volunteers is replied to by circular letters.

From my experience Voluntary Service Overseas still maintains its personal character with added efficiency.

All my correspondence to Voluntary Service Over- seas was replied to personally and fully by one or other of the staff at Voluntary Service Overseas head- quarters. The only changts was that after January, 1962, as well as receiving personal replies to my letters I also received circular letters sent to all Volunteers. So in fact the circular letters were an addition and not a replacement. To my mind these letters are beneficial as they supply one with general news of other Volunteers as well as giving general orders and other instructions.