14 SEPTEMBER 1962, page 15

Sir.-as A Bank Clerk Myself, I Cannot Help Feeling That

Katharine Whitehorn and Sir Anthony Wagner are being rather unreasonable about the decision of some banks to discontinue the practice of specifying the names of payees on......

The Last Trams

SIR.--At the foot of 'Portrait of the Week' in last Week's issue of the Spectator, it was written that Glasgow possessed 'the last of the nation's trams.' MaY I bring to your......

Don't Bank On It

Sitt.-As a bank official I feel unable to let the article, 'Don't Bank On It,' by Katharine Whitehorn Pass without comment. I entirely agree that our banking system is still......

Sir, -your Many Correspondents Who Have Had Difficulties...

systems adopted by most banks would have overcome them all had they been aware of the services that are offered by the Bank of Valletta, 228 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC1,......

Spare Parts

SIR,-The article by Leslie Adrian on 'Spare Parts' was of particular interest to me as I am on the fringe of the electrical business and for years have stood on my head to......

After Blond Gods Sia.-if Your Reviewer Has Information...

scarab on which Akhenaten's mother appears blue- eyed, he ought to disclose it to the learned world. If Akhenaten's mother was a Mitannian (which is a bare possibility, not a......

Sir,-after Reading Extensively About The Pros And Cons On...

question of the wisdom or folly of the Government's application to enter the EEC one has been struck by the impression that the Government is bent on entering irrespective.......