14 SEPTEMBER 1962, Page 15

SIR,-After reading extensively about the pros and cons on the

question of the wisdom or folly of the Government's application to enter the EEC one has been struck by the impression that the Government is bent on entering irrespective.

Under such circumstances the only place to seek an explanation would seem to be in the sub- conscious.

In recent years the Government has suflered in its dealings with the Commonwealth some traumatic experiences: (I) the rise of racial conflicts and tensions leading to the thinly disguised 'colour-bar' Immigration Act and (2) the threat of secession by some African members unless South Africa was excluded, leading to the secession of South Africa under conditions that gave her most of the Com- monwealth trading advantages, including purchases of arms, which latter was fair enough as they might have to be used to protect British investments!

It may not therefore be uncharitable to deduce front this that the Government has been subcon- sciously motivated to seek refuge in the EEC to avoid having to face up to the conflict created by being in the position of the Great White Chief of a predominantly Coloured Commonwealth who may find himself obliged to bow to the will of the majority. In the EEC it will have to deal with other White Men, thank God.

Some such theory is needed to explain the Government's determination to enter in spite of the ganging-up of de Gaulle and Adenaucr to ensure the supremacy of the Bonn-Paris Axis in the EEC. These latter gentlemen can hardly have appre- ciated the Prime Minister's well-intentioned but tactless remarks insinuating that Europe only gets into wars without our presence there to steady those excitable foreigners!


12 Parkes Street, Kirribilli, Sydney, NSW