THE cloud in the East does not disperse. The official papers continue to assert that the Imperial Powers are in cordial agreement, but it would be more true to say that Austria is watch- ing Russia, and Germany watching both. The insurrection rather spreads than decreases in Bosnia and the Herzegovina, and Servia is ready to declare war if she can obtain a little money. The Austrians threaten that if she does they will occupy Bosnia, and a silent struggle is evidently going on in St. Petersburg as to the course to be pursued in that eventuality. The Czar and the party roughly described as." German" wish to remain at peace, the Czar observing, it is said, that if the interests of Russia require war, he will abdicate; while the Cnsarevitch and the Russian party think that the Southern Slays ought to be allowed to fight Turkey, as their hereditary oppressor, unmolested. It was be- lieved in Vienna on Wednesday that the war party had won, and Russian funds fell 6 per cent., but the alarm was probably pre- mature. Al] accounts represent the feeling in Servia as most violent, and it is not improved by the savage civil war which has broken out in some parts of Bosnia between Christians and Mohammedans.