News Of The Week.
THE cloud in the East does not disperse. The official papers continue to assert that the Imperial Powers are in cordial agreement, but it would be more true to say that Austria......
The Week Has Been Full Of Rumours As To The
action of England and France in Egypt. One day, the French Government has resolved to sanction a loan of £10,000,000 to the Khedive, and another, Lord Derby and the Dnc Decazes......
We Have Described Elsewhere The Intolerant Tone Which The...
in the French Chamber is assuming towards Conserva- tives, Bonapartists, and Clericals, but may mention here that Cardinal Guibert, the Archbishop of Paris, has not obeyed the......
Yesterday Week, Mr. Icnatchbull-hugessen Brought Before...
tile petition of the great majority of the Assistant-Masters of the seven Public Schools against the thir- teenth clause of the Public Schools Act of 1868, which renders them......
The University Boat-race Was Rowed As Usual On Saturday, The
8th inst., the crews having the advantage of a day such as is seldom seen in England,—a perfect summer's day, without heat, on • which it was pleasant merely to be alive. The......